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Has it come time to send off the clowns? Every day, little by little, sanity is beginning to reassert itself in our Clown World politics.

At least, as far as the hooting, honking, Grand Guignol of transgenderism is concerned. State after US state is banning the drugging, mutilation and brainwashing of children with creepy queer theory ideology.

And in the world of sport, women — real women, I refuse to indulge the odious phrase “biological women” — are finally beginning to see some real protection from male losers claiming to be “women”.

World Athletics has followed the lead of World Aquatics and banned transgender women from competing in elite competition, including the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

In what could prove to be a watershed decision for sport – and putting pressure on the International Olympic Committee which has been rudderless on this issue – the World Athletics president Sebastian Coe said: “the (WA) Council agreed it must be guided by our overarching principle which is to protect the female category.”

As journalist Jim Goad predicted years ago, of the mania for “transgender inclusion” in women’s sport, “stand by for a lot of crying”. And who could blame them? Imagine being a girl or woman who’s trained hard to reach the top of your sport, only to be beaten to a pulp by a male who could barely reach the middle tier of men’s sport.

World Athletes has ruled that the trans athletes who have transitioned after puberty, will be ineligible to compete from March 31 […]

Lord Coe added that the sport had been inundated by robust voices from athletes, coaches, administrators and national federations objecting to an initial working paper which had planned to restrict trans women from competition if they had suppressed their testosterone levels below 2.5nm/l. This paper was thrown out, in preference to a full ban.

Good. Because, as is obvious to anyone not deranged by Clown World thinking, post-pubescent males, even the weediest soy-boys, retain life-long physical advantages over women. This is not a “male superiority” argument, any more than the brute fact that only women bear children is a female superiority one.

Meanwhile athletes such as Caster Semenya and the entire 800m podium at the Rio Olympics who have chromosomal differences, categorised as DSD athletes will have to suppress their testosterone levels below 2.5nm/l for a minimum of six months and for some running distances of up to two years to be able to compete.

The Australian

This is an apples and oranges comparison, though. Caster Semenya is not “trans”: she is not a male claiming to be female. She is a woman with a chromosomal abnormality which elevates her testosterone levels well above the female norm. A difficult case, to be sure, but nothing to do with “transgender”.

Meanwhile, another US state is making a brave stand against the wholesale push of sleazy queer theory ideology in schools.

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed two bills into law Wednesday that affect transgender minors in the state.

One bill, Senate File 538, prevents doctors from administering gender-affirming care to those under 18. The other, Senate File 482, prevents trans students from entering school bathrooms or changing rooms that correspond with their gender identities.

By “gender affirming care”, of course, they mean: telling children that they are “born in the wrong body”, binding their genitals, subjecting them to chemical castration drugs which will almost certainly sterilise them for life, and, worse, surgically mutilating them into eunuchs.

All of that, rather than treating the psychological basis of their problems, the high likelihood of autism (hugely prevalent in especially girls with “gender dysphoria”), and simply helping them to ride out the storms of adolescence, after which some 90% happily reconcile with their biology.

Some “care”.

As for school bathrooms, given the spate of rapes by “transgenders” in American school bathrooms, and the mass protests by British schoolgirls, this is an eminently sensible decision.

Of course, teacher unions are proving once again that their real interest is in imposing far-left ideology, rather than teaching.

Mike Beranek, president of the Iowa State Education Association, Iowa’s largest union association, denounced the new restroom measure.


Given the ongoing revelations of an “epidemic” of sexual abuse in American public schools — “Likely 100 times worse” than in the Catholic church, according to a government-sponsored researcher — the teachers’ unions really might want to sit this one out.
