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“Change the Date” won’t stop this. The BFD.

It’s the highlight on every lefty’s calendar, the Big Leftist Day Out, the annual Summer Festival of Pissing and Moaning. I’m talking, of course, about Australia Day – that time of the year when millions of Australians celebrate their nation – and a tiny gaggle of permanently-aggrieved activists screech through their megaphones.

Thousands of people at the Invasion Day rallies annually call for, among other things, a changing of the date to reflect the fact that for some, our national holiday represents more than the beginning of British colonialism in Sydney Cove. Tuesday was no different.

And yet their pleas are still falling, by an overwhelming margin, on deaf ears.

More accurately, deafened ears. Because the shrieking, foot-stamping and dummy-spitting of the left is a foghorn-honking out of all proportion to their numbers. The overwhelming majority of Australians are quite clear that they are happy with January 26: a number which refuses to budge, no matter how much a tiny clique of activists shout and scream.

The contrasting scenes in the last 24 hours – crowded beaches and Australian flags versus hundreds of marchers, peacefully calling for “greater awareness and understanding of Australia’s history” – have shown our nation’s continued racial divide.

No, it shows just how much the left are out of step with public opinion. “Crowded beaches” are millions of people voting in favour of Australia Day, versus “hundreds” of activists. If mere hundreds are the best that they can manage to scrape together for their Lefty Big Day Out, then that only underscores how little traction their cause really has.

Then there’s the blatant lie of “Invasion”. As the High Court’s Mabo judgement – the legal basis of Aboriginal land rights claims – makes clear, Australia was not “invaded” or “conquered”: it was settled while inhabitated.

Dr Anthony Dillon, an academic who, unlike so many “indigenous” commentators, acknowledges both his Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal ancestry, points to the other glaring disconnect of the “Change the Date” hypocrites.

“I think many Aussies who don’t want the date changed are also tired of not seeing the same amount of energy used by those protesting against Australia Day, used on raising awareness on problems like child abuse and violence in Aboriginal communities.”


But that would take hard work. Even more horrifying for the left, it means admitting that their beloved “world’s oldest living culture” is not quite as sainted as they like to pretend. For “indigenous activists”, it would mean confronting the brutal truth: that for all that they want to blame “the white man” (nothwithstanding the notable whiteness of so many of them) as the root of all evil, the greatest oppressors of Aboriginal people today are nearly always other Aboriginal people.

Changing a date that the majority of Australians don’t want changed is never going to fix that.

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