So-called “Critical Social Justice Theory” is an inbred, bastard offspring of Marxism, so willfully stupid absurdity is in its DNA. According to its cretinous tenets, there are only two classes: the oppressed and the oppressors. The supposedly oppressed are ipso facto virtuous, and united in their struggle against the evil oppressors.
Once you grasp this as the fundamental moral compass of the “social justice” movement, its manifest absurdities are explained. “Anti-racist” white leftists bowing and scraping to virulently racist blacks, for instance. Feminists blithering the Muslim call to prayer.
And, the queen of them all: “Queers for Palestine”.
“Queers for Palestine” attempts to meld LGBT advocacy with Palestinian liberation, a juxtaposition that has precipitated a whirlwind of criticism and ridicule, since LGBT rights scarcely exist within the Muslim world; and the Palestinian territories are no exception. The slogan has been widely satirized. Variations like “Chickens for KFC” and “Blacks for the KKK” highlight its proponents’ basic lack of awareness of just how incompatible the values of the Western left are with those of the Islamic right they so readily champion.
As I’ve shown in the series of posts debunking the most common “pro-Palestine” claims, the left is mostly utterly ignorant of the realities of “Palestine”. The pink left is even more suicidally ignorant than most.
A 2021 report on LGBT acceptance by UCLA’s Williams Institute rated Israel 44th out of the 175 countries/territories they examined. Palestine came in at number 130, behind Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Georgetown University likewise placed Palestine 160th out of 170 countries on their women’s peace and security index, in company with most of the countries in that region. Amnesty International’s 2020 report on human rights highlights the fact that, in Gaza, male same-sex relationships are punishable by up to 10 years’ imprisonment and points out the conspicuous absence of legal protections against anti-LGBT discrimination and harassment. This lack of civil rights has led hundreds of gay and bisexual Palestinians to flee to Israel to escape persecution. One such refugee, Ahmad Abu Marhia, a 25-year-old gay Palestinian man, was living under asylum in Israel when, in 2022, he was kidnapped and beheaded in the West Bank city of Hebron. His murderers uploaded footage of the killing to social media.
Even the dim-bulbs of the pink left are occasionally aware of the inherent contradiction of “Queers for Palestine”. As the left is wont to do, though, rather than admit their error, they resort to even more absurd circumlocutions to try and reconcile their cognitive dissonance.
Every time these disparities are mentioned, critics are quick to lob accusations of “pinkwashing”—a concept invented to frame any discussion of Israel’s progressive stance on LGBT issues as a distraction from their mistreatment of Palestinians. But the fact remains that these “Queers for Palestine” could march in Pride parades in Israel if they wanted to. In Palestine, they’d be killed.
The excuse-making continues, unabated.
Homophobia is not unique to Palestinian society. It exists in most parts of the world, including in Israeli society, as well as here in the United States. It’s a near-universal phenomenon, unfortunately.
See the statistics above. Homophobia is not “near-universal” at all. Except in Muslim countries, especially “Palestine”.
Nor is it “racist” to point out the violent bigotries of Muslim societies.
Anyone who doubts this should try being gay, bi, or trans in most of the Middle East and North Africa’s (MENA) Muslim-majority countries. Almost all these nations have laws that criminalize both homosexuality and transsexuality, some of which carry the death penalty. Human Rights Watch’s report “Everyone Wants Me Dead” succinctly encapsulates in its title alone the perilous environment faced by LGBT individuals in these regions.
And, thanks to mass Muslim immigration, increasingly in the West. Even in the West, Muslims are far more homophobic than anyone else. A majority of British Muslims want to follow “Palestine” in outlawing homosexuality. Far from moderating with time, the views of younger generations of Muslims appear to be getting less and less liberal.
The “Queers for Palestine” may well be in for a rude awakening. The Muslim thugs leading the spike in anti-Semitism might be tolerating the limpwristed soyboys and rolling landwhale dykes — for now — but the enemy of their enemy is very much not their friend.
In a video posted to TikTok, prominent British Salafi Muslim, Imran Ibn Mansur, took violent issue with the very presence of “Queers for Palestine” at Muslims’ weekly anti-Semitic hatefests.
There’s going to be sins in protest. [You’ll] be sitting next to a guy who’s going to go and penetrate and sodomise another guy tonight. And you’re going to expect Allah to give you victory because you’re standing next to a guy who’s going to literally insert his genitals into another man’s back passage .
Note to “Queers for Palestine”: avoid “pro-Palestine” protests in the vicinity of tall buildings.
Or don’t: it could be hilarious.