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This is what China is flogging off to the world. The BFD.

As we’ve reported at The BFD, even while China was still lying to the world about the virus outbreak in Wuhan – thus, inadvertently or not, allowing the virus to spread unchecked around the globe – Chinese companies were quietly pillaging soon-to-be-desperately-needed medical supplies. Indeed, leaked intelligence suggests that Beijing’s cover-up was at least partly intended to allow it to secure global medical supplies.

Then, as the virus it allowed to escape wreaked its full havoc on the rest of the world, Beijing tried to big-note its supposed benevolence by flooding the world with Chinese-made medical supplies. But to add insult to injury, the rest of the world, desperate as they were to make up for China’s pillaging, soon discovered what Chinese consumers who plunder Australian-made baby formula already know: Made in China means “Crap”.

Senior British doctors and medical managers have raised concerns over 250 ventilators the United Kingdom purchased from China.

If these ventilators are used in hospital, the group warns “significant patient harm, including death,” according to a letter seen by NBC News[…]

The letter detailed serious concerns over the “basic” quality of the ventilators, calling the oxygen supply “variable and unreliable.”

Of course, China had already trumpeted its fake “generosity” and capitalised on the propaganda opportunity.

The letter dated April 13 comes nine days after British cabinet ministers celebrated the purchase of equipment.

“I’d like to thank the Chinese government for their support in securing that capacity,” said the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lanchester, Michael Gove, during a recent press briefing at the time.

This is just another in a pattern of shoddy medical equipment dumped on a world thrown into chaos by China’s lies.

The U.K. is not the only country that has faced problems with medical equipment from China. Both the Netherlands and Finland have reportedly found that masks bought from China had not met the required standard in hospitals. Accuracy of testing kits purchased from Chinese manufacturers for the novel coronavirus were also called into question in Spain and the U.K., according to media reports.

Spain, Turkey and the Netherlands have also rejected Chinese-made masks and testing kits. French medical staff have posted videos showing Chinese-made gowns falling apart even as they are put on. Chinese citizens have released videos demonstrating the substandard, non-sterile workshops where the masks are produced.

China’s power in producing lifesaving equipment has been essential to governments rushing to fill the gaps in their own supply.

Gaps they wouldn’t have, if China hadn’t lied about the virus and then ransacked global medical supplies before the cover-up was blown.

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