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‘China Joe’ Does His Paymasters’ Bidding

Biden China taking the kneww Xi

Burying the Hunter Biden laptop story is perhaps the most damning indictment of the mainstream media and Big Tech. Admittedly, it’s a crowded field: from openly bragging about colluding to influence the 2020 election to lying through their teeth for four years about the 2016 one, the legacy media have been rolling in more filth than any time since they gave Walter Duranty the Pulitzer Prize for willingly lying about the deaths of millions of Ukrainians.

Only one outlet, the New York Post, had the cojones to print the story that should have buried Washington’s creepiest Swamp Monster for good. Not least among the damning revelations from “Lil’ Crackhead’s” laptop’o’slime was a series of emails indicating the depth of the Biden family’s involvement in shady dealings with the Chinese communists.

Especially that the “Big Guy” was set to get a 10% cut of the filthy Chinese lucre.

Well, China is certainly getting its money’s worth.

The Biden administration has withdrawn from Trump’s policy on tracking Chinese influence in US schools and universities, reported Daily Caller.

Infiltrating academic institutions, from universities to high schools, has been damningly exposed as a key plank of China’s silent invasion of the West. As we have seen in Australia, the Chinese Communist Party uses Confucius Institutes and the billions of dollars they funnel into the maws of greedy administrators, to censor curricula and plant communist stooges in schools.

“China Joe” is giving them the green light.

Chuck Ross, writing for the publication, informed that the Biden administration has quietly withdrawn from the proposed rule to the Department of Homeland Security on December 31, 2020, entitled “Establishing Requirement for Student and Exchange Visitor Program Certified Schools to Disclose Agreements with Confucius Institutes and Classrooms.”

The rule requires American schools and universities to disclose their partnerships with Confucius Institutes, which allegedly are front groups for Chinese Communist Party propaganda according to some US officials.

Make no mistake, the reach of these fifth columnists is galactic.

As per Daily Caller, around 500 K-12 schools and 65 colleges have a partnership with Confucius Institute US Center, a US-based affiliate of the Beijing-based Confucius Institute Headquarters. The institute, also known as Hanban, is affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education.

Earlier, the Daily Caller had reported that many of Hanban’s directors were members of the Chinese Communist Party.

This is yet another example of China Joe undoing the vital national security work of his predecessor.

In August, the Trump administration had labelled the Confucius Institutes US Center a “foreign mission” of the Chinese Communist Party.

The officials too had said that the Chinese government used the Confucius Institutes as part of its propaganda and influence efforts in the US.

Trump administration’s, Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo too had said on August 13 that the Confucius Institute was “an entity controlled by the PRC that advances Beijing’s global propaganda and malign influence campaign on US campuses and K-12 classrooms.”

The Hindustan Times

When the Swamp and its media bootlickers whined that Trump was “upsetting the established order”, what they meant was that finally a president was acting in America’s interests instead of kowtowing to the brutal dictators in Beijing.

Well, it’s back to the established order, now.

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