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“Knock it off, will ya, Dan?” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

An alleged Chinese spy has been caught trying to bankroll CCP-“sympathetic” candidates and buy influence in parliament. After the last two years of relentless diplomatic and economic warfare against Australia by China, not to mention China’s threats of launching actual warfare against our friends and allies, you’d think this would be dominating the headlines.

Think again.

In fact, if your sole source of news was our taxpayer-funded leftist propaganda outfit national broadcaster, you’d be hard-pressed to find out even which party Chinese agents are targeting.

A spy ring led by a wealthy “puppeteer” linked to a foreign government recently attempted to bankroll vulnerable political candidates in an unspecified Australian election, to get sympathetic MPs elected to parliament.

Tantalising but only vague details of the thwarted plot were detailed by the ASIO boss as he warned of the risk of foreign meddling in this year’s upcoming federal contest.

ABC Australia

In fact, those “tantalising but only vague details” did include which party was specifically targeted. Defence Minister Peter Dutton also named which foreign government. Hint: it’s the same party that was caught out trousering literal shopping bags full of cash from agents of the same government.

The ABC almost lets the cat out of the bag.

During a Senate estimates hearing, Labor senator Kimberley Kitching alleged the wealthy businessman behind the recent overseas conspiracy was property developer Chau Chak Wing.

Her comments follow last week’s revelation from ASIO boss Mike Burgess that his security agency recently blocked an overseas-funded operation to bankroll unsuspecting candidates in an unspecified election [….]

In 2018, Liberal MP Andrew Hastie also named Dr Chau in parliament as being closely associated with the Chinese Communist Party’s lobbying arm, the United Front Work Department, and alleged he was a co-conspirator in an FBI bribery case.

ABC Australia

Now we’re getting somewhere. Big surprise: the alleged buyers-of-influence were working for China.

But, note that the ABC still doesn’t draw attention to which party was targeted as being friendliest to the Chinese Communist Party. In fact, you’d be forgiven for thinking, given that the ABC highlights Kitching as a Labor senator, that it was the Coalition being targeted.

In fact, the complete opposite.

Chinese spies tried to bankroll NSW Labor candidates in the federal election in an attempt to get sympathetic and vulnerable MPs elected to Federal Parliament. The plot was foiled by the nation’s counter-espionage agency ASIO, preventing the spies from getting the Labor candidates preselected […]

Defence Minister Peter Dutton was on Thursday criticised by Labor for claiming the Chinese Communist Party had “made a decision about who they’re going to back in the next federal election”.

“They have picked this bloke [Labor leader Anthony Albanese] as that candidate,” Mr Dutton said.

Sydney Morning Herald

Naturally, Labor hyperventilated and clutched their pearls that Dutton was supposedly accusing Albanese of “treason”. A guilty conscience, as my mother always said, needs no accusing.

Meanwhile, the facts remain:

  • Labor elder statesman Bob Carr is an avid pro-China lobbyist.
  • Former Labor senator Sam Dastyari was caught alerting an alleged Chinese spy that he was under surveillance.
  • The NSW branch of the Labor party were caught accepting Aldi shopping bags of cash from Chinese lobbyists.
  • Victorian Labor premier Daniel Andrews signed up to the BRI in defiance of the federal government and security agencies.
  • Then-Labor leader Bill Shorten and other senior Labor figures were present at a Chinese Friends of Labor fundraising dinner in Sydney that allegedly lead to police raids on NSW ALP headquarters.
  • WA Labor premier Mark McGowan was photographed at a meeting of the now-defunct Australian Chinese Labor Party Association, another alleged CCP front group.

It’s abundantly clear which party China clearly judges as in its interests to have in government in Australia.

Australians need to make their own judgement on why.
