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China’s attack on Australian soldiers has sparked outrage and condemnation. The BFD.

Beijing is clearly feeling under pressure, as it ramps up its trade and diplomatic attacks on Australia to near-hysterical levels.

China has apparently singled out Australia as its post-COVID whipping-boy, not least for Australian PM Scott Morrison’s determination to force an international investigation to get behind China’s non-stop lies and cover-ups over the Wuhan virus. Beijing is obviously furious at the very idea of being held to account – especially as that might fatally undermine its propaganda efforts at home – but is too gutless to take on the Big Man in the Pacific, the US.

So it’s singling out a middle-power over which it has far too much trade leverage, thanks to decades of useful idiocy from greedy Australian exporters and ideological fellow-travellers in academia and the media.

China’s blatant abuse of the international trade system has set the business pigs squealing, but apparently has only hardened public opinion.

Its latest gambit, though, is a step too far even for the Sinophiles white-anting Australia.

Scott Morrison is taking head-on the disgusting act of China’s fake murder slur against Australia and demanding it be removed immediately.

But the Prime Minister is also using Beijing’s official overreach to once again seek a reopening of Sino-Australian dialogue which has stalled amid recriminations and trade wars.

Morrison is making Australia’s displeasure direct and clear.

He’s called in the Chinese Ambassador and demanded Beijing take down the hideous fake image on Twitter seeking to take political advantage in the region of the allegations of Australian war crimes in Afghanistan.

Even the ABC, as obsequiously pro-China as they come, reported China’s fake news attack with an unusually sober and straightforward report. The Labor opposition joined the prime minister in condemning the tweet.

China has gone too far in this Twitter diplomacy, it’s upsetting to Australian citizens – just as China complains about its citizens being upset – and takes the dispute beyond a simple diplomatic war of words.

Morrison appears to recognise China’s official misstep and has acted immediately.

There will be no Australian cave in to public media bullying of a standard far worse than any of the rhetoric expressed in Australia.

China is losing whatever advantage it had of a high moral ground over political slurs and support for an investigation into the origin of COVID-19.

The Australian

China had any “moral high ground”? Well, that’s news.

Frankly, the idea of being lectured on war crimes and human rights by China is a joke in itself. This is, after all, the regime which murdered at least 70 million of its own people and whose puppet in the Korean war committed thousands of atrocities.

Tiananmen square protests 1989
Unlike China’s photo, this picture of Beijing’s atrocities is very real. The BFD.

Even now, China is committing a brutal genocide in its Xinjiang province.

But, of course, China’s diplomatic bastardy isn’t really aimed at winning hearts and minds in Australia: it’s all about making propaganda fodder to prop up its brutal regime at home.

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