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China’s Global Pillage: It’s Worse Than We Thought

The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

The Chinese communist regime inflicted the COVID-19 pandemic on the world, with its disastrous culture of secrecy and lies. Then, to add insult to injury, it starting pillaging the world’s medical supplies.

The plunder first came to light in Australia when a whistleblower from a Chinese-owned property developer alerted English-speaking media to the fact that, through January and February, workers at the company were ordered to scarf up face masks, hand sanitiser, hazmat suits and thermometers, and ship them back to China.

As I wrote, “if one Chinese company was doing this, you can be assured that others were, too”.

Right on cue…

A second Chinese property company based in Sydney flew more than 80 tonnes of medical supplies on a corporate jet to Wuhan in late February, at the time coronavirus was devastating the regional city.

“The chartered plane with 90 tons (82 tonnes) of medical supplies, including 100,000 most needed protective coveralls and 900,000 pairs of medical gloves, has successfully departed from Sydney and arrived in Wuhan on 24 Feb,” Risland Australia posted on its LinkedIn page.

This is just part of China’s global pillage. Around the world, millions of soon-to-be-desperately-needed medical supplies were quietly stripped from unsuspecting countries.

Bear in mind that this was happening through January and February – while Beijing was still lying through its teeth to the rest of the world, censoring its media harder than ever, and arresting anyone who dared speak out.

It should also be remembered that all Chinese companies with more than 50 employees must have a Chinese Communist Party official on their payroll. These companies pillaging medical supplies were doing so with official oversight, if not under official orders.

Beijing knew that other countries were going to need their stockpiles and didn’t care.

By late January medical experts were worried about the lack of available masks. “The thing we need most as GPs is some masks,” said Dr Harry Nespolon, president of the Royal Australian College of GPs. “They are not readily available.”

[…]As the surge of coronavirus infections increases, healthcare workers are becoming desperate. “The shortage of personal protective equipment in NSW hospitals is scandalous,” one healthcare worker told the Herald. “Doctors and nurses on the front line feel inadequately protected, exposed and vulnerable.”

In one major Sydney hospital “junior doctors are being told there are only 30 N95 masks available for all operating theatres”. The healthcare worker said this was forcing people to source masks from the “black market,” the quality of which is dubious.

Australia has a well-earned reputation for philanthropy and kicking in humanitarian assistance around the world. But we do like to be asked before selfish thug regimes pinch all our stuff.

Even worse, China is now trying to strut the world stage as some kind of benevolent patriarch.

The Chinese consumer electronics company Xiaomi donated tens of thousands of FFP3 face masks to Italy’s government to help stop the spread of the coronavirus and to curb a shortage in the country’s health materials.

[…] The Beijing-based company produces everything from smartphones to laptops and earphones, and offered the FFP3 masks as a token of gratitude for letting the electronics company settle in and feel “deeply integrated” after arriving in the European country two years before.

Even more cynically:

The Chinese government donated thousands of medical masks to the Philippines amid a shortage of supply in the country, a week after a Philippines-based group sent millions of masks to them.

Not all Filipinos are exactly impressed.

“What’s there to thank? Some of those surgical masks were probably the ones Gordon sent to China. They just returned it.”

Having lied, infected the world and pillaged medical supplies, China now has the gall to use its ill-gotten plunder to buy influence in its propaganda war.

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