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China’s Lies Just Won’t Stop

“Good… good… let the propaganda flow through you…” The BFD.

I’ve written already that the Chinese Virus pandemic is a direct consequence of the Chinese regime’s non-stop lies and cover-ups. The BFD has also published a damning timeline. But the lies aren’t finished. Not by a long shot.

YouTuber laowhy86 is an American who lived in China for a decade, married a Chinese woman, and has longstanding Chinese connections. He is warning that Beijing simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth about the pandemic.

If you are following the CCP-led media, the state media, soft power propaganda, you would actually start believing that China’s got this entire situation under control.

Like everything else from Beijing, it’s almost certainly a lie. But it’s a lie with teeth: not only is it being repeated by gullible Western media, but it has dire implications within China. Among other consequences, laowhy86 warns that foreigners in China are going to be targeted for recriminations as Beijing steps up the lie that COVID-19 is a “foreign” virus.

So, what’s really going on? Given that Beijing so assiduously censors just about everything, it’s almost impossible to know. As Frank Dikotter notes, in Mao’s Great Famine, even 50 years later, records of the Great Leap Forward are heavily guarded. Likewise, laowhy86 says, you have to look for incidental information which inadvertently falls through the cracks of the Great Firewall.

I noticed something a couple of weeks ago – I noticed that in their [the three major cellphone companies] public data, they had lost about 7 million subscribers to their cellphone service[…]This happened abruptly – 7 million subscriptions wiped out.

More suspiciously, they all lost millions of subscribers – 21 million to be precise – at exactly the same time.

This, he notes, is unprecedented. In the four years of publicly available data, there has never previously been an instance of any of them net losing subscribers.

So what does it all mean? As laowhy86 says, his mind didn’t “immediately go to dark places”, but then he began discussing it with contacts back in China. The excuses started coming – and shifting, the more inconvenient data came up. Switching to burner phones? Unlikely, as they’re hard to get in China, given that you need your government ID to buy a phone. Cancelling because they can’t afford it? Even less likely, given that subscriptions are incredibly cheap.

Cumulatively, there was 21 million subscriptions lost. That’s a bit weird, if you think about it. That was at exactly the same time that everyone was getting, y’know, welded into their houses, all this kind of huge crackdown that the Chinese government was doing on its own people. When the speculation of the crematoriums and all that stuff of came out.

It’s not me insinuating that 21 million people died, but at the same time, it is absolutely bizarre that there is no real, logical excuse or statement from these companies as to why this happened.

The fact that they let their data go public is just one of those…oops, we forgot about this.

There could be any number of explanations for this. The one that many might jump to – millions of deaths from COVID-19 – seems unlikely. After all, surely even Beijing would struggle to contain a disaster of such magnitude? A massive censorship crackdown seems much more likely.

So why is it important? Because China lies and covers up numbers, and has made everything worse. While it doesn’t necessarily indicate anything sinister in itself, but shows how circuitously we have to go digging to try and find the truth.

It proves that people have to go out and find ways to understand what actually happened. When you look at the numbers in Italy, when you look at the numbers in Spain…when you look at percentages and compare them to China, it just doesn’t add up. It doesn’t make any sense.

One other item laowhy86 has uncovered is of particular interest: job openings at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

This is November 2019, about a month before we really knew anything: it says that it is recruiting 1-2 postdoctoral fellows, and they’re going to research the unique mechanism of bat innate immunity. [Job criteria show] that they’re trying to recruit people from abroad.

Remember, this in the virus lab very close to the initial breakout[…]this is not to say that this was some random bioweapon that people keep speculating about. I think that’s nonsense. But, this does show that they were recruiting people to come to this lab to study coronavirus transmissability between bats just a month before this all happened.

What does all of this add up to? I can’t say, either. All I can say is that, if Beijing says that the sky is blue, I’ll go out and look up at the sky before I believe them.

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