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Christchurch Ratepayers Beware

10 banknote on white and green textile
Photo by Thomas Coker

Sir Bob Jones

There’s a bloke in Christchurch called Phil Mauger who wants to be mayor.

I don’t like his chances. I say that as recently he made the news for spending $150,000 on a hydrogen-powered vehicle only to discover there’s no facility that can fuel it.

Imagine letting Phil loose with the Council funds.

I can see him building a special cage and establishing a staffed unit to catch escaped crocodiles, should they ever eventuate. Or perhaps a landing station for UFOs. The mind boggles at the potential for such decisions.

Every wide boy in the world would descend on Christchurch to sell him (very cheap) Sydney Harbour Bridge, or an authentic pair of Moses’ underpants for the museum, all at ratepayers expense.

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