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Christians Are OK as Long as They Don’t Teach the Bible

Apparently Christian schools aren’t allowed to actually be Christian any more. That’s the clear take-home from the unholy furore being whipped up by the media over a Queensland Christian school’s request that prospective students adhere to basic Christian doctrine.

Of course, that’s not how the lyin’ media are reporting it.

A Brisbane college missive insisting students denounce homosexuality and asking them to agree to specific gender roles has earned a rebuke from the state Human Rights Commission, saying it would likely amount to unlawful discrimination.

In fact, that’s not what it says at all — but of course facts have never got in the way of the media’s foaming hatred of Christianity before.

Nowhere in the contract does it state that students “must denounce homosexuality”. What it actually asks is that potential students and their parents “accept that the College is a faith-based school” — well, duh, “Christian College” is surely a giveaway, there — and that they confirm that they “are seeking a Biblical Christian education for the student”. Again, duh. If you don’t want a Christian education for your kids, why are you sending them to a Christian college?

Oh, wait — we know the answer to that. A significant number of non-Christian parents are sending their sprogs to religious schools so that they put on the swank of a “private school” without actually ponying up the dough for the really top-notch private schools. Basically, they’re driving an MX-5 and trying to act like they’re in a Lamborghini.

All the school is obviously trying to do is weed out the pretenders and make sure that their students walk the walk of “a Biblical Christian education”. Just as, no doubt, Muslim schools expect their students to be Muslim, or Jewish schools expect their students to adhere to Judaism.

But that’s just the start of the media’s lies and obfuscation.

As they did in the Israel Folau pile-on, the media and Twitter zealots are ignoring everything else the contract says and laser-focusing on their magic trigger-word, “homosexual”.

“We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including but not limited to: adultery, fornication, homosexual acts, bisexual acts, bestiality, incest, paedophilia and pornography) is sinful and offensive to God and is destructive to human relationships and society,” the contract states.

“We hold fast the biblical and church’s historical belief that a family begins with the covenantal institution and holy estate of marriage as ordained by God between a biological man (husband) and a biological woman (wife) mutually and exclusively entered into for life.

“God’s gift of sexual union is sacred within marriage as a sign of His mutual and lasting covenant and as a means whereby we may share in creating new life.”

The contract also stated that the school believed “God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other”.

So, where is the outraged media pearl-clutching for the adulterers, the fornicators, the bestialists, incests and paedophiles?

More to the point: these are basic Christian beliefs (and, in the case of “gender”, fundamental biological reality). Why bother even being a Christian school, if they’re not allowed to actually hold Christian beliefs?

Of course, no media beat-up is complete without an appeal to the Argumentam ad Twitteram: the media’s basic delusion that Twitter in any way reflects reality.

A petition calling for the college, which charges about $12,600 tuition for senior students, to recall its amended contract amassed more than 52,000 signatures, with former students calling it “sickening” and “disgusting”.

Brisbane Times

Which former students? Name them. The “petition”, of course, is just a Twitter mob and like all such online pile-ons is worth about as much as the paper it’s written on.

No woke circle-jerk is complete without some pathetic hand-wringing from the soggy swamp of Liberal “moderates” from Australia’s poshest electorates.

Federal moderate Liberal MPs will renew their push for fast-tracked protections for LGBTQ school students when Parliament returns next week, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison aims to deliver on his election promise to legislate to protect religious freedom.

The Age

Who needs the Greens when you’ve got these waterlogged twits?

The outraged screeching of the left-media and dripping-wet blue-greens, by the way, contrasts markedly with the muted mumbling when a AFLW player refused to play in the “Pride” round, because of her religious belief.

But she’s Muslim, so the media merely slink away, mumbling about a person’s right to their beliefs. A right not, apparently, extended to Christians.

There’s an easy solution to the whole, confected, stupid beat-up: if you disagree with the contract, don’t go to the school. Problem solved. Why demand to crash a club that you hate?

But then, if the media stopped being self-righteous zealots, busy-bodies and finger-waggers, they might actually have to do real journalism. They’d rather die.


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