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Church Attack Reveals BLM’s True Agenda

Those “peaceful protesters” again. The BFD.

The single biggest lie of the Black Lives Matter movement – and it is a movement that is thoroughly steeped in lies, at every level – is that it is an “anti-racism” movement dedicated to the improvement of black lives.

This is absolute garbage, of course. More black Americans have been murdered by BLM “protesters” in just the past couple of weeks than unarmed black men were killed by police – supposedly the movement’s raison d’être – in a whole year. BLM protesters have razed black neighbourhoods and looted black-owned businesses.

And BLM is very, very, very racist. It’s every pronouncement drips with unconcealed venom directed at whites. BLM leaders have openly called for the assassination of whites and police – and some of its followers have acted accordingly.

But, more than that, BLM’s real agenda – concealed at first, but ever-more explicit as the movement is emboldened – is the wholesale destruction of American society.

Just to prove it, BLM are now targeting churches.

Videos posted on social media show parishioners, both black and white, being harassed and physically assaulted at Grace Baptist Church in Troy, New York.

The protesters, repeatedly shouting “Black Lives Matter,” even harassed and blocked churchgoers while they were with their young children, using a megaphone to scream at the families, shaming and threatening their parents with calls to CPS, or Child Protective Services.
The assaults, harassment, and protesting have been occurring since at least the end of June, according to the viral videos posted online. The church has refused to close or back down, directing men from the parish to help escort fellow worshipers inside as they are blocked by BLM protesters.

The Baptist church is the foremost Christian congregation for black Americans – who are far more inclined to identify as Christian than other Americans.

It appears that BLM are particularly determined to break this historic nexus.

In one of the videos, protesters storm the church and repeatedly chant “Black Lives Matter” and a near-fight breaks out […] In other footage, mostly black churchgoers are shamed and screamed at by protesters as they walk into the church. One female protester yells at a black parishioner, “You should be ashamed, sister” […]

A young white mother with three kids is also harassed as she tries to enter Grace Baptist. The mother is seen trying to console one of her young sons as he is visibly upset and scared, trying to leave the area.

But it’s almost certainly the black parishioners who are the primary targets, here. BLM is a revolutionary communist movement. Just as the Soviets did, the BLM Marxists desperately need to break the Christian faith of black Americans in order to win them over to the new “religion” of BLM.

Expect the attacks on churches to ramp up over the coming months as BLM more and more exposes its real agenda.

Those “peaceful protesters” again. The BFD.

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