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Governor-General Cindy Kiro, left, and PM Jacinda Ardern.

Lindsay Mitchell

Cindy Kiro’s appointment to the role of Governor-General is political. Judging by comments on Kiwiblog people have forgotten her time as Children’s Commissioner. She advocated that every child should be interviewed or assessed before age two and again at ages five, 13, and 17 – a heavy-handed unnecessary state intervention to avoid stigmatising particular groups.

She helped Sue Bradford push through the anti-smacking legislation saying, “…we know more about parenting and child health and development now than we did in our parents’, grandparents’ and great grandparents’ times.”

Warding off an interviewer asking about Maori child abuse she said, “I think people need to get a little careful when they start this business,” and propagated false child death statistics in defence. She never owned or corrected them after their inaccuracy was identified.

She overspent her Ministry’s budget and was criticised for spending too much time overseas and staff turnover.

Kiro is not a smart appointment.

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