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Cindy’s Kindy Presents: How to Handle Awkward Questions

people sitting on blue carpet



Kia ora boys and girls, or should I say “tamariki”. Aunty Cindy here.

Today we are going to learn all about how to handle those awkward questions. Questions like, “Who ate all the cookies in the jar?” “Who left the fridge door open?” and, “Was it you who wrecked the economy?”

First thing to do is put on a tight-lipped smile and look down while shaking your head and sighing. This lets the other person know how ridiculous the question is and you can’t believe how stupid they are for even asking.

Next, feign ignorance. For example:

“That cookies have been taken from the jar is something I wasn’t aware of.”

“I don’t know anything about the economy.” (Sometimes you don’t even have to lie, yay!)

Next, shift the question to someone else. For example:

“You need to ask whoever was responsible for the cookie jar.”

“This is a matter for the Immigration Department.”

Next play down the question. For example:

“That the fridge door was left open is just an allegation.”

“It’s not uncommon for someone to be refused entry into the country.”

Finally stomp your feet and really let the other person know you won’t be answering their silly questions.

“Look, there’s no proof that the fridge door was left open and so we won’t be investigating any further.”

“As far as I’m concerned all laws were followed by the immigration officer and as such we won’t be taking this matter any further, thank you.”

So there you have it. With a bit of practice you too can be as good as Aunty Cindy at dodging those awkward questions!
