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Claims of America Turning Fascist Were Only Four Years Early

The last statue will be toppled eventually. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When Donald Trump kept the execrable Hillary Clinton out of the White House, the American left were apoplectic. Mostly because they were cheated of what they had decided was theirs by right. Trump put a four-year pause on the Democrats’ Long March ambition to fundamentally remake America into a woke utopia. Worse, in many respects he hit the rewind button.

With their doddering puppet installed in the Oval Office, the American left aren’t going to make the same mistakes again. Having won the presidency, they’re determined to enjoy it – and keep it.

There’s something deeply disturbing going on in America which should concern freedom-loving people everywhere. It has been decades in the making, but is now in plain sight.

As Time magazine triumphantly, but perhaps unwisely, laid out, “a well funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies” put the fix on the 2020 election. Just don’t call it “rigging”; the politically correct term is that they “fortified” the election.

And they’re making sure it’ll be “fortified” permanently.

The Democratic party machine is building on their win to undo the system’s safeguards and to ensure, as far as practicable, incumbency.
Nothing epitomises this more than the introduction of a bill bearing the Orwellian title, For the People Act. It is anything but. If passed, it will give the federal government power over the electoral system and allow automatic, unauthenticated voter registration and unwitnessed postal votes. As further insurance there is a proposal for the deeply Democratic territories of Washington DC and Puerto Rico, to become states of the union.

In the meantime, President Biden is planning a citizenship pathway for nine million aliens. These illegal immigrants live mainly in Democrat-controlled sanctuary cities and their inclusion in the census should permit the creation of additional Democrat members of Congress.

Yet to come is a Supreme Court stacked with partisan judges who will ‘reinterpret’, or virtually ignore, the US Constitution’s plain language and history.

Just as the media relentlessly and shamelessly lied and vilified the Trump administration, they’re just as blatantly running cover for Biden. Even Politico warned their fellow left-media to go easy on the Biden-fawning.

To give the Biden administration the most positive start, its media cronies are censoring critical comment. Twitter has imposed a life ban on former President Trump and, after the Capitol Hill protests, suspended the accounts of 70,000 of his supporters. Apple, Amazon and Google banned ‘free speech’ site Parler and in a 24-hour period, YouTube removed 130,000 ‘dislikes’ posted on President Biden’s inauguration speech video. In solidarity with Biden’s mission to tackle ‘systemic racism’, Facebook appointed a former Obama White House staffer as ‘Vice President Civil Rights’, charged with curbing racial hatred and violence on its platform. One suspects this refers to whites only.

Meanwhile, the left and the media (the same thing, mostly) are openly boasting about compiling blacklists and trying to have every even remotely right-of-centre media organisation banished from the air.

They’re also campaigning for an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”.

According to the New York Times, America is suffering a ‘reality crisis’ and needs ‘a cross-agency task force’, led by a ‘reality tsar’ to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism. That ‘reality tsar’ would no doubt confirm Democratic party propaganda that widespread Black Lives Matter riots involving looting, billions of dollars of property damage and 25 deaths, were ‘mostly peaceful’. And that the assault on the Capitol building by mainly Trump supporters was a riot by ‘white supremacists’, ‘devoted to a cultist leader’. Indeed, it was an ‘insurrection’, ‘incited’ by Mr Trump, demanding he be impeached a second time.

As Trump’s acquittal confirms, this was always political theatre, as was the deployment of 5,000 National Guardsmen on Capitol Hill, despite no reports of rioters with guns. But the theatrics had a more sinister purpose. It was to depict Trump and his supporters as bigoted, right-wing extremists, intent on turning America into a fascist dictatorship.

Spectator Australia

Word to the un-wise: if you’re dressing in black and beating your opponents up in the streets, smashing statues, lining the streets of the national capital with miles of razor wire and concrete barricades, and tens of thousands of heavily armed troops; if you’re controlling the media, blacklisting people from public service and academia and absolutely banishing any dissenting opinions…

You’re the fascist dictatorship.

The last statue will be toppled eventually. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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