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Classic Labour Party Behaviour, Just a Cluster


Leo Molloy
HeadQuarters Viaduct

The PM enters into a press conference discussion about us with Tova, who names me, and the Prime Minister of Candy Floss makes it clear she’s all over our (totally legal) dinner party and has knowledge of our dialogue with the Police…Mike Bush still your pet? leaking maybe? or Andrew Coster now being politicized as Bush was? You decide …but let’s agree it was just undemocratic political interference in a law-abiding dinner party.

Now we’re being mauled by some list backbencher of absolutely no significance, and whilst she claims to be an HQ custie she then names and shames some Nelson-based hospo outfit for allegedly taking the government subsidy, which clearly this low achiever doesn’t know is exclusively for employees and not employers, let alone the not insignificant matters of breach of privacy and abuse of power.

I feel like I’m being attacked by rabid demented butterflies …
Now listen, Labour, I’m a hard bastard so if you’re going to attack me send in someone with a bit of grunt…Mallard would do, I’d like to give him a swish, or Twyford, although he’d arrive ten years late, with his boxing gloves on backwards …but let’s agree that Maria Lubeck scares no one ( except maybe her husband who must be having regrets ) so put her back wherever you had her tucked away, and give her a colouring-in book ( 4-7 years, no harder for her, we want it done before the next election ) to keep her busy until this matter is sorted.

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