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Climate Activist MP Secretly Pockets Coal Cash

With her head tilted so far left, she can hardly count. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Nobody does hypocrisy quite like the green-left. Especially wealthy women in the elite suburbs. These are the women who screech about “the glass ceiling”, even though they earn one hundred times what most women ever will. They clutch their pearls about [asylum seekers] illegal immigrants, even while they remain ensconced in the whitest suburbs in the nation — and go out of their way to send their children to elite schools, far away from “those people”. They gibber about “climate change” — while driving their massive, diesel SUVs to the airport, ready to take off on their next overseas holiday (at least, until Covid spoiled their twice- annual trip to Rome or Phuket).

When they get parachuted into politics by shadowy sugar daddies, their hypocrisy only gets worse.

Enter, Zali Steggall.

Independent federal MP Zali Steggall has defended a $100,000 donation from the family trust of former coal company director John Kinghorn which the Australian Electoral Commission found was not properly declared to comply with disclosure laws.

Steggall has tried to hand-wave away the dodgy donations by claiming it was just a “rookie accounting error”. In fact, it looks very much like a stealthy move by an accountant who knew exactly what they were doing.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported on Monday that a compliance review undertaken by the AEC found that a $100,000 donation made to Steggall’s Warringah campaign from the Kinghorn Family Trust was split into eight separate donations that were under the disclosure threshold of $13,800.

Yep, totally an accident.

Surprise, surprise, the web of dark money goes all the way to the spoiled rich kid trying to play at being a kingmaker.

According to the compliance report, the financial controller of Warringah Independent Ltd – the entity controlling Steggall’s campaign finances – advised AEC that the donation of $100,000 from the Kinghorn Family Trust consisted of eight individual donation amounts from Kinghorn family members.

At the time, the financial controller of the Warringah campaign was Damien Hodgkinson, who is now a director of Simon Holmes à Court’s Climate 200 movement, which is supporting independent MPs prioritising climate action […]

“Notwithstanding the donation consisted of eight individual pledges, one cheque of $100,000 was given to Warringah Independent Ltd from The Kinghorn Family Trust.

And no, no hypocrisy to see here from the climate change activist.

Steggall has become a vocal advocate for greater action on climate change policy, including through the introduction of a private member’s bill that would establish an independent climate change commission and introduce risk assessment and adaptation plans to work towards carbon neutrality.

The Guardian

So, how does she square all that with slyly taking donations from a coal mogul? The same way she excuses driving a massive diesel SUV.

Oh, but that’s different.

If the left didn’t have double standards, etc.
