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James Shaw holding a sign take off your coals

Those promoting climate change would have us believe it is out of control when it is becoming increasingly obvious it is they who are out of control. The use of a sixteen year old girl at the U.N. to parrot off a speech on a subject she has been brainwashed on for years is at the very least objectionable. The fact that the child has a type of autism makes it even worse. I fear for the child’s future and feel very sorry for her. But not for the sick people who are using her as nothing more than a promotional tool.

I also have an abject dislike of the media who are promoting this school girl as if she is some sort of a saint and climate change hero. It makes you wonder at the level of journalism these days. We are told she stared down President Trump. Well, she was probably told to do that but all she got to stare at was the back of his head. That is not staring him down. If the journalists had a conscience they would paint the true sorry picture of how this poor girl is being used, rather than putting her on a pedestal. Disgraceful.

ANGRY Greta Thunburg spots President Trump at the UN

It is most unfortunate that our foolish Prime Minister is donkey deep in this nonsense. Tucker Carlson on Fox News interviewed a climate skeptic by the name of Bjorn Lomberg from Denmark. He said “New Zealand, they’ve just promised to be carbon neutral in 2050. They actually had the audacity to ask their official economic institute, how much is this going to cost us and the answer was sixteen per cent of their GDP. (GDP, at this point Jacinda will be lost) That is more than the entire Government of New Zealand is spending right now on everything they do. Of course they’re never going to actually do that because they’ll have a revolt before that.”

He’s just made a mockery of Ardern’s keynote address to the UN. and the Government’s climate change policy. The quicker she and her nutty friends in the Green Party realise this the better. They need to front up to the public now that they’ve been caught out lying again. It can’t be done.

With Trump being a climate change denier and scrapping US targets and China and India still using huge amounts of coal, it’s high time the likes of Jacinda and James Shaw came to the realisation that yes, we can play our part, but not at the expense of sending our farmers, and therefore the country, to rack and ruin. If they want us to become part of the third world they sure as hell are going the right way about it.

The whole stupidity of climate change is being driven by the lunatics on the political left who are beneath contempt.


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