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Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.

The Doctor

There must be little green men driving SUVs around on Mars. That is the only way that the carbon dioxide theory of global warming makes sense. After all, it is not just the earth that is warming. All the planets of the solar system are.[i]

Don’t let the global warming (GW) proponents distract you with a discussion about why the planets are warming. That is an interesting and linked question, but it does not change the fact. And if you ask me in the comments, I might even write an article on it.

Similarly, we are told that oil, coal and methane (natural gas) are “fossil fuels” made from the decomposition of plants and small animals over “millions of years”. But if that is the case, then from what plants and animals did all the methane on eg Jupiter come from? GW proponents say “the earth is totally different from the other planets”.[ii] That is not very scientific. They are starting to sound like Christians.

The earth is currently absorbing a great deal of energy from the sun and the galaxy in the form of charged particles, cosmic and gamma rays. The earth’s magnetic field routinely deflects massive energy to the poles where it heats and energises the centre of the earth.[iii]

No wonder underwater and surface volcanos are more active than ever, heating the oceans and causing eruptions such as the one in Tonga which conservatively released an entire year’s worth of global CO2 emissions in a few days. [iv]

Another effect of a strong solar wind is to compress the earth’s magnetic field on the side facing the sun. This has the effect of compressing the atmosphere on that side as well. The well-known ideal gas law PV = nRT shows that if the pressure increases, so does the temperature (that’s why air compressors get hot). And this is a far more plausible explanation for increased daytime temperatures than a 19th century discredited theory that the earth’s atmosphere is like a pane of glass in a greenhouse.[v]

All this means that the sun is currently twice as active as would be predicted by the regular 11-year solar cycle. Since the fifth of January, a large energy wave has hit the sun’s magnetic field leading to three X-class flares in early January. All this solar activity flows down to the earth via the solar winds.

And as space weather scientists argue, the space weather affects the weather here on earth. Hence climate change is real. It is just not only or predominantly caused by human activity.

Now, if this is all true then it removes the moral element of blame from the climate change discussion. If we cannot avoid climate change because it comes from a source beyond our control, then morally and according to the common law we cannot be blamed for it.

But, the moral blame or guilt element seems to be essential to the global warming psychological operation. We have to feel guilty for our actions, eg the use of energy, before we will accept the penance. It is a redirection of our conscience. Whereas in the past our feelings of guilt may have led to us going to church and believing the gospel of Jesus Christ, these days our guilt is channelled toward mother earth in a reheating of the old pagan earth worship religions.

And like those old religions, penance is the aim. Those behind the climate change hoax want us to sign up to measuring our energy use and ultimately enabling the government to control our energy use.

Once the government can control energy use via carbon dioxide emissions it can control us because all of our actions, including breathing, involve carbon dioxide directly or indirectly.

Thus, it is essential to the control plan that 1. Climate change is our fault and 2. We must believe in the new religion and pay penance and 3.There is no alternative solution to total control over human activity such as a new energy technology. We will have more on new technology (3) in a future article.

Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.






[v] Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory, Dr Tim Ball et al.
