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Image credit The BFD.

I have taken to reading The Spectator Australia and The Telegraph in the UK recently, as they produce decent journalism that is well researched, well written and thought-provoking without being inherently biased. The Telegraph attacks members on both sides of the political divide roughly equally, while The Spectator attacks wokeism, climate change fanaticism and the stupidity surrounding COVID. Both make a refreshing change from our very own Stuff(ed) and the NZ Herald.

While I am usually prepared to pay for decent reporting, nothing on this planet would make me pay for the efforts of either of our home-grown sites, even though Stuff sticks out the begging bowl every time you go to the site. I cannot wait for the day that Stuff goes behind a paywall. That will be the final nail in the coffin for our worst national publication.

The Spectator, unlike the media on this side of the Tasman, is not afraid to criticise our government when necessary. In a democracy, the media should always hold the government to account, but our lapdogs in New Zealand just roll over and ask Jacinda to rub their tummies. Not so Amy Brooke, of The Spectator, who has written some scathing, but deserved, criticisms of our ‘Dear Leader’. The latest one is priceless.

For New Zealand’s Prime Minister to be talking such nonsense – in fact, such a complete untruth as ‘bold action on climate change is a matter of life and death’ –  is more than ominous. Her obvious preference for calling urgency on endorsing the recent recommendations of the Climate Change Commission is completely unacceptable. Its unbalanced findings verge on the fanatical and it is high time Ardern is called to account for the fear-mongering she is spreading and for promoting policies which would in fact basically destroy our economy.

Strong stuff. Even those who believe in the great climate scam must see by now that, if the world going into lockdown last year did nothing for global emissions, then there is little we can do. What is worse, as Amy Brooke goes on to point out, is that even if we achieve our goals of carbon neutral by 2050, unless something is done about the big emitters such as China and India, we are simply wasting our time and wrecking the economy for no good reason.

Grist to her mill is that the anti-carbon Left is pushing the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, in relation to pre-industrial temperatures. As has been pointed out, this is incompatible with the growing worldwide population, requiring a total reorganisation of the global economy that would keep billions in poverty. But our hard-left Prime Minister is publicly committed to it.

Why? She must be very well aware that policies have consequences – so why is she so dramatically advocating what would be a self-inflicted wound on New Zealand? There is no evidence whatsoever that we are faced with any life or death decision with regard to climate change – except the one she is not highlighting: that adopting its extreme and unnecessary recommendations would economically cripple us as a country.

What Amy Brooke does not say is that Jacinda has recently learned what a climate of fear can do for her government. As COVID wanes, which will inevitably happen, how else can she keep the population both under control and excessively grateful at the same time? Why, with climate change. What else?

She must know very well that given our size, in comparison with major producers of carbon dioxide, what we might achieve would not make one shred of difference to the total global CO2 emissions. She is treating New Zealanders as fools by maintaining this fiction.

Ardern, apparently, is making obeisance to the extremist propaganda advanced by the far Left. However, New Zealanders are gradually realising that the guerrilla tactics of communism have long been undermining our country. Given her hard-core, leftist agenda – and a strong body of dedicated, socialist comrades in her Labour coalition – extraordinary moves are now being made to destroy our democracy, largely unchallenged by a lacklustre National party opposition.

Not to mention an adoring media that almost never dares to criticise or question this government, let alone even consider holding them to account.

The majority of policymakers and politicians are damagingly uninformed about the findings of the hundreds of scientists in related fields, many with world-renowned reputations. Some, themselves serving as expert reviewers for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, have pointed out that the IPCC has been hijacking science for ideological ends and have shown that hard evidence for a ‘climate emergency’ doesn’t hold up. In other words, the Left’s policy-makers’ agenda is to destroy the West’s economic and social ecology, but so successful has been the propaganda that an obsession with an impending global warming climate change catastrophe is now prevalent.

Why destroy a model that gives people decent lives? For control. There can be no other reason.

The truly shocking  aspect of the Climate Change Commission’s recommendations to government on how to limit New Zealand’s greenhouse gases is the damage they would inflict upon this country. Its role was apparently originally envisaged  to take politics out of the climate change debate. It has done nothing of the sort and, instead, launched an attack on our freedoms. It would give the government unprecedented, basically fascist, control over the cars we drive and import, our energy sources and our housing and agriculture. It also recommends reducing the number of farm animals and replacing productive farmland with still more pine tree plantings.

The destruction of our farming sector is a Green Party project, but this government, which can operate without the Greens, still seems determined to follow this approach. Once again, they who control the food supply control the country. Straight out of the communist manifesto, and also Animal Farm.

We should make no mistake: the government’s Emissions Reduction Plan, due by 31 December, is meat and drink to our now totally compromised, hard-left Labour coalition.

The way ahead is now fraught indeed – unless that sleeping giant, the public, properly wakes up.

The Spectator Australia

I think the public is beginning to wake up, but there are two problems here. Most of us simply want to get on with our daily lives, without constantly worrying about what the government is doing. The second problem is that a handful of woke idiots constantly drown out the voices of the more reasoned, making it appear that the majority agree with the movement on climate change when that is not true at all.

But we must wake up. Otherwise, our country will be ruined by this hard-left government and China will just continue to emit whatever it likes. Because it can.

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State of the Nation 2025

State of the Nation 2025

That government agencies are effectively thumbing their noses at official directives and getting away with it without consequences is totally unacceptable. Until the coalition confronts and defeats this ‘enemy within’, their own policy platform remains largely ineffective.

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