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Clown World: When Comedians Are Right and ‘Experts’ Are Wrong

One of these people is a comedian; the other is a clown. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

I’m not much of a fan of Rebel Wilson, nor of celebrities using social media as a bully pulpit. But I’m even less of a fan of elite hypocrisy.

And I’m absolutely a fan of free speech.

The great philosopher of free speech, John Stuart Mill, wrote that those who suppress the expression of an opinion deny themselves a great opportunity. “If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth.”

In this case, as it happens, Rebel Wilson’s opinion is indeed right. But her opinion also contradicts the official narrative – and her fellow celebrities are incandescent.

Australian comedian/actress, Rebel Wilson, is being blacklisted by her liberal Hollywood friends for criticising constant lockdowns by the Sydney Government in Australia.

Umm… “Sydney Government”? Err, I think they mean “New South Wales”. This is an Australian site which, I suspect, is pitching the story at non-Australians who don’t know what “New South Wales” is.

The Aussie Pitch Perfect and Fat Pizza actress, who now mostly resides in the Hollywood hills yet owns several properties in Sydney, took to Instagram to share her thoughts on the Sydney’s strict and most recent two-week lockdown.

“Sydney WTF!!!” Rebel Wilson wrote in one Instagram story post with an accompanying photo of a empty supermarket shelves she claimed her mother had taken at a Sydney Woolworths.

“You can’t keep locking down as a strategy,” Wilson added in a following post to her Instagram story.

In a rare instance, a celebrity’s social media opinion is actually correct. Yes, I’m as amazed as you surely are.

We’ve known for over a year now that lockdowns are a failed, destructive policy. Even the mainstream media are starting to catch on.

The wokesters, of course, are just a little bit slower.

Her criticism of the Sydney government has resulted in extreme reactions from social media users and Hollywood elites alike.

Although most celebrities are praised for talking about liberal social issues, Wilson is being harassed for holding an opinion that is not shared with far-left American liberals, one user sarcastically communing, “I’d say an epidemiologist would disagree with her. But an actress is clearly an authority on such things,” one quipped.

Except, as we’ve seen, epidemiologists have been completely, disastrously wrong. This a perfect example of Richard Feynman’s dictum that, it doesn’t matter how many letters you have after your name, if your opinion disagrees with the evidence, then it’s wrong.

So it’s score one to Rebel Wilson; a big, fat zero to the “experts”.

The hate has bled through to Twitter and many are leaving nasty comments on her old tweets. The comments range from body shaming to hurtful comments and death threats and every single on of them from former left-wing fans.

A source close to to Wilson told us that the actress has received hundreds of comments from her former Hollywood colleagues all urging her to retract her comment and make an apology and, apparently, her career hangs on the line.

“Wilson has received loads of messages from her celebrity pals and they’re not happy. One message said that ‘she’ll no have many prospects’ if she doesn’t retract her comments and make an apology while the topic is hot,” the source told POPTOPIC.

Whether she lives up to first name and rebels against the Hollywood elite or caves in, apologises, to save her career remains to mean seen. However, we expect the latter.


Gosh, Twitter and hate? Whodathunkit.

In a fit of supreme irony, none other than Martin Pakula took to Twitter to bash Wilson. You might recall that Pakula was the Victorian government minister implicated in the design of that state’s hotel quarantine system. Yes, that hotel quarantine. The words “chutzpah”, “barefaced cheek” and “more front than Myers” come to mind.

Sadly, though, I suspect that they are correct that Wilson will cave. Bitter experience suggests that we can expect a grovelling apology and retraction, any day.

But maybe not – in which case, Ms. Wilson will earn my grudging respect.

One of these people is a comedian; the other is a clown. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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