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If Biden has lost this guy, he’s lost the legacy media. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Well, it’s only taken three years, but at last the mainstream left-media are admitting that Donald Trump was right, again.

Hot on the heels of finally admitting that “Russiagate” was entirely a hoax — albeit one perpetrated with their own willing collusion — the American mainstream media are, just as belatedly, admitting that Joe Biden really did blatantly lie to America’s face during the presidential debates.

During a discussion on Thursday, CNN’s Jake Tapper admitted that former President Donald Trump was right in the 2020 presidential debates that President Joe Biden’s son Hunter did “make a fortune in China.”

There’s no ifs or buts about this one: Biden flatly denied the charge, on camera, to a studio audience and millions of Americans in their living rooms.

Before playing a video where then-candidate Biden argued that Hunter did not make money from China, Tapper told his panel, “Hunter Biden admitted in court in July, that he was in fact paid substantial sums from Chinese companies,” he added this admission “directly goes against what Joe Biden said in the debates in 2020, with Donald Trump.”

In a debate clip played by Tapper, former President Trump said that Hunter Biden “made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow…” before Biden interrupted claiming that was “simply not true.”

But it absolutely was true. We all — those of us not willingly hoodwinked by the legacy media, anyway — knew it was true. We’d read the emails from the Laptop from Hell.

The very laptop that Biden, and his Deep State cronies, also lied was “Russian disinformation”.

Poor ol’ Jake Tapper isn’t quite ready to admit the whole, damnable truth, though.

“Trump was right I mean, he did make a fortune from China and Joe Biden was wrong,” Tapper said after the clip. “I don’t know that he was lying about it. You might not have been told by Hunter but this blind spot is a problem.”

Maybe “the Big Guy” is just so used to millions of dirty dollars rolling into his bank accounts that another 10% kickback just goes unnoticed.

And, of course, the lyin’ legacy media are quicker to try and find a deceitful dodge out of a bind than a politician caught, as Lou Reed once said, “with his pants down and money stickin’ out his hole”.

Tapper asked former Michigan Rep. Andy Levin (D) if he thought it was an issue, to which he responded, “I think dads have sometimes parents sometimes their blind spots about their kids, for sure, and the President may be no exception.” He then claimed, “Nothing has tied the president to any of Hunter Biden’s dealings. There’s no whiff of him being involved or him being implicated in it.”

Except that there is, not just a whiff, but a cloud of stench that Biden was Depends-deep in Hunter’s dirty dealings.

In June, an IRS whistleblower statement revealed a text message that suggested Joe Biden was in the room as Hunter was demanding money from Chinese businessman Henry Zhao, who has ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

The message read, “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.” It continued, “Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

The Post-Millennial

And the mainstream media are going to keep trying to pass off obvious baloney that neither Joe Biden, “Robert Peters”, “Robin Ware”, or “JRB Ware”, knew anything about the web of dirty money flushing in from foreign governments?

C’mon, man!


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