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Co-governance by Stealth Is Still Going

You’ve got to keep a sharp eye on the bastards The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The most important thing centrists and conservatives need to remember about the left is that they never, ever take “No” for an answer. No matter how many times they’re democratically told to shove off, the left scream and stamp their feet and hold their breath until they get their way.

And this is the lesson centrists and conservatives always forget. Every time the left throws their little tanties, the rest of us give in, thinking, ok, just give them this and they’ll finally shut up.

But as any child psychologist will tell you, that’s only ever a recipe for more tantrums, and even bigger demands.

Even if we don’t give in, though, we’ve got to keep a sharp eye on the radical left: because, as soon as our backs are turned, they’ll try to sneak in and get their grubby little paws in the bikkie jar.

We’re seeing it (yet again) in Australia, in the aftermath of the “Voice” referendum. First, the tears, tantrums, and breath-holding. Now, the sneaky-thievery, trying to tacitly enact by legislation what was rejected at referendum.

And in New Zealand?

You better believe, despite the election result, that the radical left is steaming ahead with co-governance by stealth. As is too often the case, local councils full of tilty-headed numpties are the useful idiots of the far left.

Iwi and councils at the top of the South Island have strengthened their strong relationships, agreeing to work more closely across the region.

The chairs of the eight iwi, Ngati Apa ki te Ra To, Ngati Kuia, Ngati Koata, Ngati Rarua, Ngati Tama ki Te Waipounamu, Ngati Toa Rangatira, Rangitane o Wairau, and Te atiawa o te Waka-a-Maui and the mayors of Marlbrough, Tasman and Nelson signed the Together Te Tauihu agreement in Nelson.

The agreement has strong support from the three councils, with both Tasman and Nelson councils voting unanimously in support.

And ratepayers and residents? Most of them are probably completely unsuspecting.

The story was sent to us by a BFD reader who says, “As a resident of that area, I never heard a peep of this. My wife saw this in the Maori news.”

Certainly don’t go looking for it on Nelson council’s website. Unless you know the specific (Te Reo, naturally) title of the agreement, you won’t see it on the front page of their website (although you will find dedicated buttons for “Covid-19” and “Climate Change”). You certainly won’t find the words “co-governance”.

The same goes for Tasman and Marlbrough councils.

So, what is the agreement, exactly?

“This is a significant milestone, for all of Te Tauihu, for all of our communities and it is important to firstly acknowledge the work of many across the region over many years to establish more meaningful relationships, strengthen ties and achieve better outcomes.

“It shows we’re all here to talk, we’re here to participate, we don’t always have to agree, but we are here for the long haul for the betterment of all. It reminds us of our obligations and our opportunities.”

Hall said the agreement recognised the important and unique roles that iwi and councils play in the cultural, social, environmental and economic wellbeing of Te Tauihu and provided a framework to weave the aspirations of all parties more closely together so Te Tauihu was strengthened as a region.

So, a bunch of meaningless, vague motherhood statements. None of the council websites carry any clearer information in their news releases.

If you actually bother to download the agreement and wade through the first six pages entirely in Te Reo, you’ll get to bureaucratic waffle of such staggering clarity as this:

A waka relies on the synchronised efforts of all its passengers to propel it forward. Similarly, this agreement relies on the commitment of the partners to work in harmony and a desire to share in decision-making. Together, we are stronger.

Te Ao News

The impenetrable waffle continues for a full 31 pages (16 of them in Te Reo only, the rest a muddy mish-mash), without ever saying anything concrete.

Although there are ominous phrases like these:

This extends far beyond recognition of a geographical location and an agreement of partners […]

These settlements acknowledge the past injustices and seek to provide redress […]

We commit to ensuring our actions and decisions are informed by cultural values and tikanga, seeking input from cultural advisors when necessary and respecting the unique mana of each of the iwi in Te Tauihu.

Marlbrough District Council

And, of course, there are oblique references to the foundational conceits of co-governance: UNDRIP and “the evolving principles of Te Tiriti”.

The new government can’t bring on a referendum on the Treaty soon enough.

Even then, though, Kiwis will have to keep a sharp eye on what the left is trying to sneak in through the back door.
