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The NZ Herald has censored an ad placed with them by COLFO. They refused to publish photos of children taking part in a healthy and active legal sport with one or more family members. A sport that brings families together, moreover, and that puts food on the table. I am talking of course about hunting.

“NZ Herald – no firearms, no children If you’re in the upper North Island and see today’s Herald, you’ll notice the ad is quite different to what we wanted. At the very last minute yesterday, the NZ Herald contacted us to say that ‘editorial discretion’ prohibited us from running the ads we wanted. They objected to us including pictures of firearms or children. While this makes me mad – that our largest newspaper bans from its pages totally normal scenes seen in New Zealand’s rural communities – that is a fight best left for another day. We were advised that to kick up a fuss would likely play into our opponents’ hands – they would frame us as fringe or wacky – which would undermine the key message of the ads. With the limited time available, we decided to run a text-only version instead.”

Nicole McKee
The BFD. A sample of some of the photos of children with their family members enjoying a healthy sport that were censored by the NZ Herald.

Hunting brings fathers and sons together and is a wholly masculine sport. This does not, of course, exclude daughters, as my Dad taught me how to use a rifle and it was quality time spent with my Dad that brought us closer. It is a wholesome and useful sport that brings families together and that teaches boys, especially, how to become manly men, so of course the NZ Herald found it objectionable.

This is the same NZ Herald who published the following photo of a Trans model quite happily even though it quite clearly shows the Trans woman’s…er..penis and testicles in “her” lingerie.

The BFD. Source: NZ Herald

I have to channel Greta Thunberg here and say HOW DARE THEY! How dare the NZ Herald think that a sexual photo of a Trans woman is acceptable for publication but one of a father hunting with his sons is not!

This is yet more evidence of how twisted and sick our media have become. A wholesome and useful sport that has been practised by fathers and sons from time immemorial is censored (because traditional family groups are now considered to be non-progressive) but child drag queens and “cocks in frocks” are considered mainstream and delightful and photos of them acceptable for publication.

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