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It does have a certain “ring” to it. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Australia is renowned as the Land of Big Things. The Big Pineapple, the Big Banana, the Big Lobster. Here in Tasmania, we have the slightly less salubrious Big Potato, at Spreyton.

It’s not Australia’s only Big Potato, of course — but even the one at Spreyton isn’t as shit as the Big Potato in Robertson, NSW. Tassie’s just looks like the mutant cousin of King Willie Wheaties, while NSW’s effort looks like… well, there’s a reason it’s nicknamed the Big Poo-tato.

But if Robertson, NSW’s, Big Potato looks like a big ol’ turd, it may well have come from Palm Springs. Where an AIDS memorial has a rather unfortunate — or apt, if you will — design.

A proposed AIDS memorial sculpture in Palm Springs is at the center of a heated debate with its design sparking concerns in the community. The controversial sculpture, meant to honor those who lost their lives to HIV and AIDS, is facing scrutiny for its abstract design and perceived inappropriate connotations.

The sculpture, standing at nine feet tall, features a round limestone structure with concentric carved circles, symbolizing the diverse impact of AIDS on the community. Its design is intended to evoke feelings of connection, reflection, and hope. However, not everyone is on board with this artistic vision.

The “concentric circles” are on the front. From the back, though… a giant, ring-shaped object, with a rugose surface… hmm, what could that possibly look like?

“It’s really strained. I mean, it’s almost like a piece of art looking for a purpose, instead of the other way around. It could be about anything, and as a consequence, it’s kind of about nothing,” Clay Sales said.

“Strained” is one way to describe it.

“Prolapsed” might be another.

In addition to concerns about the abstract nature of the sculpture, some residents have raised eyebrows over its perceived resemblance to certain body parts.
It does have a certain “ring” to it. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

A body part which, as some wags have pointed out, is rather germane to the whole matter of AIDS, and how it was spread.

“The backside of the proposed memorial looks like a graphic depiction of the backside of a human being,” Gene Brake said.The memorial is being funded privately with an expected cost of approximately $500,000. It is planned for installation in the Downtown Park near the Marilyn Monroe statue. However, fears persist that if the design remains unchanged, it could become a target for ridicule on social media and elsewhere.

Oh, it has. Believe me, it has.

In response to the controversy, the Palm Springs AIDS Memorial Task Force told residents it would incorporate community feedback and work on a revised design that will be revealed later this year.


Perhaps they should simply purchase the “abstract Christmas tree” that took pride of place in Paris in 2014.

Sure, it’s a Christmas Tree… The BFD.

Or the Martin Luther King Jr memorial sculpture unveiled earlier this year?

Even the civil rights leader’s family called it a “big ol’ dong”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
