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Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man

Photoshopped image credit The BFD

I know many of you don’t like Winston Peters but you really need to get over yourselves. He is the ONLY politician who is actually reading the room. He is the ONLY politician that is calling bulldust on mandates and restrictions.

Remember when you criticise him that EVERY other politician in Parliament has refused to acknowledge or even engage with the NZ Convoy protesters, often resorting to disparaging and false claims while doing so.

Christopher Luxon refused to meet them and forbade his MPs from engaging with them. Trevor Mallard brought in hundreds of jackbooted thugs of the regime for a protest that the tyrant described as “certainly not large in scale”, while Nicola Willis, the Deputy Leader of the National Party, cheered on the Police.

And her boss is just as gutless:

Every MP now looks as if they are afraid of the people, quivering in fear behind the stormtroopers of the regime. It’s farcical.

Regulars here will say Winston Peters can’t be trusted but I ask you this: who can you trust?

Certainly not the media, definitely not any member of the regime who, had John Key imposed mandates, would have marched in the streets but are now strangely silent as totalitarianism slowly erodes our democracy.

We can’t trust the Quislings in the National Party who are hiding behind the Police barricades. National’s entire policy platform and public utterances seem to be entirely what Labour would do, except that they’d be more efficient at jabbing and locking everyone up.

David Seymour abandoned his principles a long time ago. He’s too afraid to say what he really thinks and has ended up looking like a more efficient puppet of the regime.

As I have said, with a sea of grifters, fraudsters, charlatans and liars before you all, who can you trust?

To my mind, you can trust the one who is echoing and saying what we think. Imagine the cheers of delight if Christopher Luxon said what Winston Peters has said in just three Facebook posts. He’d be lauded as the second coming and people would cry tears of joy.

Except he hasn’t said anything of the sort, has he?

Just imagine, if you will, while I’m taxing your minds as they’ve never been taxed before, that David Seymour had said those three simple things. But he hasn’t, so your imagining will only be fleeting.

The parties currently in New Zealand have abandoned Kiwi values that we hold dear: that Jack is as good as his master; fairness; equity; and freedom. They deserve nothing but scorn.

This is why you will start to see more honest businessmen put their hands in their pockets and donate to NZ First and Winston Peters and say it loudly like Troy Bowker, who has had a sly dig at Stuart Nash while doing it:

Bowker told the Herald he supports “politicians on the political right who oppose Labour and who will play a crucial role in 2023 in removing Labour”.

“I’m in the fortunate position to assist and I intend to keep doing so until this Labour Government is gone,” he said.

Bowker was particularly enthusiastic about NZ First leader Winston Peters.

Bowker said Peters will be “judged very favourably in years to come for his outstanding contribution to democracy and freedom of speech in New Zealand for many years”.

“Winston is a man of principle and is in a unique position to stand up to those on the left of politics who for their own subversive and some would say dishonest reasons wish to silence dissenting voices and keep us divided,” he said.

Bowker took aim at New Zealanders of “means and resources” who were “happy to sit back and quietly complain from the safety of their living rooms about the atrocious state of New Zealand and the path to division and poverty Labour are leading us down”.

Instead, he called on New Zealanders “with the financial resources to contribute” to “stand up proudly to the lunacy of this socialist woke bunch that are temporarily holding power in Wellington”.

NZ Herald

Winston Peters also put the shiv into Stuart Nash for acting like a coward when the woke attacked Troy Bowker:

The NZ Herald, like the cowardly regime shills they’ve become, didn’t publish Bowker’s full statement, so I will:

I support politicians on the political right who oppose Labour and who will play a crucial role in 2023 in removing Labour. I’m in the fortunate position to assist and I intend to keep doing so until this Labour government is gone.

NZers who have had enough of the divisive agenda from Labour; the division is obvious in our society and much worse than it was when Labour was elected; whether it be urban vs rural, young vs old, rich vs poor or more disturbingly the racial division.  

Those outside of Wellington beltway have had enough of it.

For this reason I’ve transparently declared my donation to NZ First.  NZ First is led by Winston Peters, a man who will be judged very favourably in years to come for his outstanding contribution to democracy and freedom of speech in NZ  for many years.

Winston is a man of principle and is a unique position to stand up to those on the left of politics who for their own subversive and some would say dishonest reasons wish to silence dissenting voices and keep us divided.Winston has played a crucial role for many years holding elected politicians who seek to divide NZ to account.  

And he will continue to do that for the good of this country.

Some NZer’s of means and resources are happy to sit back and quietly complain from the safety of their living rooms about the atrocious state of NZ and the path to division and poverty Labour are leading us down.

Others such as myself are prepared to provide financial support – and declare it publicly – to politicians with the courage of their convictions wanting to make NZ a better place.  

It’s time people with the financial resources to contribute and who are wanting real change in 2023, started to stand up proudly to the lunacy of this socialist woke bunch that are temporarily holding power in Wellington.

Troy Bowker

Bowker is right. For all his faults, and Winston Peters has many, he has always had the future of the country to the fore. He may well have chosen to govern with Labour after Bill English contemptuously mishandled the simplest of negotiations but, given the attitude and the behaviour of Bill English during negotiations, he didn’t really have much of a choice.

Winston Peters said he would be the handbrake to keep Labour in check. He delivered that. If you don’t believe me just look at the difference between Labour with Winston Peters as the handbrake and now without him as the handbrake.

National are just like Labour with only a tissue paper thinness separating their policies. They stood and cheered on the regime as they locked us down, locked us up and mandated vaccines, stringent borders and every other affront to human rights and our God-given freedoms as Kiwis, only pausing to tell us that they’d do it better than Labour.

We need to be protected from the globalists in both National and Labour. These parties are a shadow of the parties that your parents voted for. National are actually National In Name Only (NINO) and Labour are Labour In Name Only (LINO).

LINO and NINO are different sides of the same coin.
Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

We need a politician who stands up for Kiwis; not the global elites like Klaus Schwab or the UN or Big Pharma. We need a battler who will say “NO” to nonsense. We need a handbrake. Because we simply cannot and should not trust either Labour or National to have our best interests at heart.

So, for all his faults, and Winston Peters has many, cometh the hour, cometh the man. Screw the rest like they screwed you.

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