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Delta Deadly. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

Brian Calhoun

I remember exactly where I was on September 11, 2001. I was in my apartment in San Francisco, getting ready for work. I saw the images of a plane hitting the World Trade Center on CNN and wondered what the hell was going on. I was in a bit of a daze that whole day. We all were. It took a couple of years to piece together some of the whys of 9/11.

Soon after 9/11 airline travel restrictions were put in place. It didn’t take too long to figure out that this was all ‘security theatre’, a game we all played because we needed to get on the planes to get to another city. Nobody believed that there was a legitimate reason for these increased travel restrictions; we went along to get along.

In 2003 I was protesting the imminent invasion of Iraq. I marched, I made T-shirts, I told everyone I knew how important it was to protest in the marches. And then after the largest global protest of any kind, President Bush jokingly referred to the protesters as a focus group he didn’t have much interest in.

In 2004 I moved to New Zealand, and am proud to have been a New Zealand citizen for the past ten years.

So now it’s 2021 and I’m seeing a lot of the same things I saw twenty years ago in the US. Except now it’s on a global stage.

I think a lot of us have a sense that the wool is being pulled over our eyes. We just don’t know why. One thing’s for sure: we’re not getting any kind of real answers from our government. Here are some things I’d like to hear from Jacinda Ardern:

  • Why our PCR test cycles (40) are higher than those recommended for an accurate test (under 30)? This means that every single Covid test has a much higher chance of signalling a false positive.
  • Why is the government not promoting healthy lifestyle choices to improve our immune systems?
  • Why are lockdowns happening at all? Other countries have shown that they’re not needed.
  • Why is this government willfully destroying the economy?
  • How is COVID-19 different than any regular ‘flu?
  • How many people are having adverse reactions from the vaccine in New Zealand?
  • Given that countries with high vaccinations rates such as Israel are still showing lots of cases and are still having problems controlling Covid-19, why does this government believe that following a similar path will have any better outcomes?

Perhaps some of the answers to the above would help to explain why Covid-19 and the health theatre we all engage in are even happening at all.

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