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Compare and Contrast How Media Reported on Trump’s UN Speech

For your entertainment and education I have taken the time to compare and contrast how various news outlets reported on his speech.

I was amused to see how differently his speech was described. It was as if the media outlets watched completely different speeches. Just look at how they described the tone.


a sober, scripted speech [...]

reading from the teleprompter in a somewhat subdued manner.

CBS News
President Trump, in a fiery address Tuesday before the U.N. General Assembly

Fox News

On the main topic of his speech:

addressed the United Nations General Assembly today and laid a staunchly nationalist platform.

tore into open-border activists for pushing what he described as an “evil” agenda under the “cloak” of social justice, while warning Iran to abandon its confrontational course and delivering arguably his most robust defense yet of his nationalist philosophy.

Fox News
he focused more on criticizing other nations that he believes treat the U.S. unfairly than on uniting nations around principles of democracy and humanity.

CBS News

On the topics covered by his speech:

The president hit on each of his favorite themes — unfair trade, imbalanced defense spending, illegal immigration, and socialism

CBS News
He took shots at China during his UN address today, accusing the nation of breaking promises to the international community to “adopt promised reforms.” Trump also took a shot at Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro in his speech, calling him a “dictator” and a “Cuban puppet.” He called Iran’s regime one of the “greatest security threats facing peace-loving nations” and urged nations not to “subsidize Iran’s bloodlust.”

He delivered the broadside as part of a message promoting border security, in the U.S. and around the world. This dovetailed with a  broader theme of railing against open borders and “globalists,” […]
the message was that of a muscular nationalism […] As part of his speech, he later ripped into social media giants, media groups and academics — whom he accused of being part of a  “permanent political class” that sought to undermine the will of the people.

Fox News

You can watch President Trump’s speech below for yourself and determine which media outlets described it most accurately.


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