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Greens Party co-leader James Shaw appeared with his black eye at the climate change strike in Wellington following the attack. Judith Hobson after being attacked by the 20 year old protestor. Her name is public, but his not.

One of these crimes is not like the other…

Crime (A)

If you haven’t followed the news – last year at the ‘Posie Parker’ event in Albert Park, protests led by trans activists and encouraged by mainstream media, a young man repeatedly attacked a 71 year old woman.   The 20 year old man was arrested and charged, but a judge yesterday decided to release him without conviction and – get this – to give him permanent name suppression.  This latter part means the victim of this cowardly attack can no longer speak fully and freely about what happened.

Crime (B)

Paul Raymond Harris, 47, was found guilty in May of punching Mr Shaw repeatedly in the head on 14 March as the MP walked to work.

[…] He also said given the seriousness of the assault, community service was inappropriate.

Mr Shaw suffered a fractured eye socket after a “fairly-prolonged assault”.

[…] When Mr Shaw tried to walk away, Harris punched him five or six times.

[…] Harris was handed a 12-month sentence, but this was reduced to nine based on his early guilty plea, remorse and previous good character.

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