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Compensation Offered for Deaths 90 Days after COVID Shot

white red and blue basketball hoop
Photo by Daniel Bernard

Peter Imanuelsen

Also known as PeterSweden | Swedish journalist | Political commentator | Supporter of freedom, kindness and liberty

The country of South Korea has announced that they will be compensating the families of ALL people who die within 90 days of covid vaccination, regardless if the vaccination itself has been confirmed to be the cause of death.

Families of people who have died will be eligible to get up to $22,500 in compensation money.

Well, this is pretty telling…

“Korea was able to achieve a higher inoculation rate compared with the rest of the world because people trusted the state and went to get vaccinated…In this regard, it is the state’s responsibility to tackle the blind spot in helping out those who fell victim to the vaccination policy.” said Rep. Park Dae-chul of the ruling government party.

And here is something very interesting I found when it comes to side effects that we don’t really get to hear about in the mainstream media here.

Turns out that South Korea has recognized 11 different types of side effects caused by the covid shots! This includes anaphylaxis, myocarditis and pericarditis.

They also list another 15 symptoms like Bell’s Palsy and uterine bleeding as potential side effects of the shot.

South Korea has had 96,000 complaints from people who have reported side effects from the shots, and nearly 30% of those complaints have been accepted by the government.

Do you realize what this means?

It means that governments are well aware of the side effects of the shots. Remember how people who questioned the safety of the shots were called “crazy conspiracy theorists”?

Already last year doctors were sounding the alarm after a mysterious rise in excess deaths.

Not only that, but we have also been seeing a mysterious collapse in birth rates after the rollout of the mRNA shots.

Read my in-depth article from last year looking at all the statistics on the birth rates here:


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