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[The Good Oil]’s staff are not able to read every comment. Anyone who has used the comments to communicate with us may therefore not have been noticed.

If you have a complaint about [The Good Oil] content, it should not be left as a comment on an article. Instead, click on the Contact us page.

Clicking on “Make a complaint” leads you to this page.

To make a complaint, please provide sufficient detail. “Headline misleading” isn’t going to be investigated. “Headline claims a death resulted, but the person didn’t die” is something we can work with. It is up to you to provide sufficient detail so we may consider your complaint. More detail means you get taken seriously. If you take it seriously, we will take it seriously.

[The Good Oil] will consider your complaint, update your comment with an answer, and act on it in a timely and serious manner.

It is our objective to deal with these publicly, in the open, and to deal with each complaint with the same seriousness and gravitas with which it was laid. That is, trivial complaints will receive trivial responses, serious complaints will receive our full attention. Malicious or time-wasting complaints can expect the BFD treatment. However, this is done in public, so we remain answerable to our readers.

Email your complaints to

Please note that complaints should be about articles published by [The Good Oil]. If the complaint is about commenter conduct or the way the website does or doesn’t work for you, then this isn’t the right place. Flag the comment and let the moderators deal with it.