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Comply Your Way Out of Tyranny?

Many people went and got vaxxed for the sole reason of wanting to travel. Others believed the lying words of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, that lining up to get vaccinated would give you back the freedoms that they had snatched away.

You’ve all been had. Worse still, I told you all that it was a mirage that you’d get the freedoms they stole back. You simply cannot comply your way out of tyranny. When you do comply they throw new compliance measures in the way. It never ends.

And so, after the country lined up to meet the tyrant’s 90% vaccination target and achieved the goal, the goal posts were moved yet again. This is the cruelty and the evil of our Prime Minister.

Frustrated Kiwis stuck overseas are still coming to terms with the fact they will have to wait even longer to return home or be reunited with loved ones after the Government reneged on its plans to start reopening the border from mid-January.

The Herald has been contacted by a number of desperate and heartbroken Kiwis around the world who had booked flights in anticipation of the phased easing of border restrictions from January 17 allowing people to isolate at home.

But the Government’s announcement yesterday to push out its phased border reopening to the end of February has thrown their plans into turmoil.

Yesterday Covid-19 response minister Chris Hipkins said the suite of measures, which also include lengthening the stay in MIQ to 10 days for all travellers with no self-isolation component, was aimed at keeping Omicron out of the community for as long as possible.

NZ Herald

So for the weakest variant so far they’ve toughened up the border, which has already let Omicron sneak through. It is ultimately futile and yet they still do it.

While the prime minister is tightening up entry for all other Kiwis, her wedding singer has miraculously managed to get that rarest of things, a MIQ spot, ahead of thousands of other desperate Kiwis.

What a coincidence, one-hit wonder Lorde clearly has favoured status and has been able to game the system in order to sing, if you can call it that, at the Red Wedding.

If people didn’t hate Jacinda Ardern before, they certainly will now.

But you were all promised freedom if you complied and rolled up your sleeves. You were told you’d be able to travel about, go anywhere, enjoy summer. How’s that working out for you all?

It isn’t freedom when you need government papers to go anywhere. Have you noticed that there is almost no difference between red and orange? Using their own definitions the whole country should be at least at orange. That was the health advice that Ashley Bloomfield gave the Prime Minister. She has ignored it.

Do you know why? Because you can’t comply your way out of tyranny.

My Police sources tell of a recent meeting between Ardern and Police regarding borders and the traffic light system. The Police view is that the border can no longer be sustained around Auckland, or even for Northland. They reported to me that Ardern told them, too bad, the borders stay, that they aren’t ready to move them.

They are keeping everyone guessing as to what is coming. All we know is that everything is a free for all as the prime minister focuses on her wedding so nothing is really going to change until she has had her day in the sun and grabbed soppy headlines from her Team of $55 Million.

The hierarchy in Gisborne police have been trying to get more bodies for work to combat gangs and drugs in this area, all to no avail. In the last few days, 50 police officers have arrived for a visit that coincides with Ardern’s planned Christmas holiday at the inlaws. The local hierarchy has been told to call them Covid related troops and send them up the coast for a visit or two to show their face, but their duty is the protection of Ardern (she who is loved so much she needs a 50 strong police protection squad). All the top accommodation has been filled to house them, further rubbing salt into the tourist and hospitality operators’ wounds of operating under a red card, who had hoped that these spaces would be filled with tourists spending money.

As I wrote last week, the tyrant is self-centred, narcissistic and a sociopath. Your “freedoms” were only returned so she could have her wedding. But they aren’t freedoms, they are permissions, and when it suits her they’ll be taken away again.

The tyrant locked up Auckland for 107 days because of Delta; now they are scare-mongering over Omicron. Watch not what Ardern says, because she lies. Ardern infamously told us that she was the one source of truth and that it was misinformation that they were going to lock us all down. Four days later she did just that. Instead, watch for what the useful idiots are telling you as they are always rolled out ahead of time to soften us up for when the hammer drops.

Siouxsie Wiles has been talking about stay-cations in Auckland. Michael Baker has been talking about mask mandates for indoors.

Others are panicking over Omicron. We are being softened up for more lockdowns, you watch.

While all this is going on thousands of Kiwis have had their Christmas reunions shattered by the tyrant and her arbitrary decisions. I said she was evil, and she is. Evil Walks is an appropriate song for her:

Black shadow hangin' over your shoulder Black mark up against your name Your green eyes couldn't get any colder There's bad poison runnin' through your veins Evil walks behind you Evil sleeps beside you Evil talks around you Evil walks behind you Black widow weavin' evil notions Dark secrets bein' spun in your web Good men goin' down in your ocean They can't swim 'cause they're tied to your bed Evil walks behind you Evil sleeps beside you Evil talks around you Evil walks behind you You just cry wolf I sometimes wonder where you park your broom, ahah Oh, black widow C'mon weave your web Down in your ocean You got 'em tied to your bed With your dark, dark secrets And your green, green eyes You black widow Oh (evil) walks behind you (Evil) sleeps beside you (Evil) talks around you (Evil) walks behind you Evil walks behind you Evil sleeps beside you Evil talks around you Evil walks behind you (watch out) Evil sleeps beside you (evil talks) Evil talks around you (yeah evil walks) Evil walks behind you (ah) Evil walks You're so bad

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