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‘Conservationists’ Cheer for Bulldozing the Wild

Hypocrisy, thy colour is Green.

Ignore that bulldozer, they're just saving the planet. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The Australian Greens were founded on the back of the protest movement against the Lake Pedder dam. One of their biggest complaints was that it would endanger a single species of fish, the Lake Pedder galaxias. Well, the fish are doing fine these days and the Greens are still protesting everything.

Well, not everything: because they’ve been remarkably silent about a development in Tasmania which has, in just a few years, slaughtered dozens of endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle.

Yes, the same people who are taking to the courts to stop a mine development that might threaten an owl species, say nothing about a development which is legally allowed to kill an endangered species that is one of the largest eagles in the world.

As you’ve probably guessed, the development in question is a wind farm. When it comes to their eco-crucifixes, there’s no level of destruction the Greens aren’t happy to overlook.

The greater glider is in pole position to win the Marsupial of the Year contest. Australia’s largest gliding possum has pushed the much-fancied koala into second place in the latest rankings.

The Australian Conservation Foundation is waging a massive PR campaign for the gliders, claiming that bushfires and logging have halved their habitat in the past two decades.

So, you’d think the ACF would be rallying the troops over a development which will bulldoze 310 hectares of prime glider habitat.

Think again.

The Lotus Creek Wind Farm is 100 per cent funded by the Queensland government and is supported by the commonwealth. The environmental cost of the project in the Connors Range, adjacent to the Glencoe State Forest, is well documented.

It’s a veritable Eden of not just gliders but just about every species photogenic enough to be the face of an anti-development campaign.

Researchers counted 138 greater gliders during their environmental assessment. The old-growth trees provide hollow dens for the creatures to rest during the day. The area offers a rich habitat for koalas and squatter pigeons and is a refuge for the powerful owl and white-throated needletail, all classified as vulnerable […]

The ACF has not raised an eyebrow about the Lotus Creek atrocity. Neither has it lodged an objection to Twiggy Forrest’s Upper Burdekin wind turbine development that received [Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s] rubber stamp in June. Ditto French giant Neoen’s plans for Mount Hopeful 65km west of Gladstone, approved by Plibersek in April, and the Boulder Creek Wind Farm she approved in June 2022, in which the Queensland state government has a 50 per cent stake […]

Wind turbine developments also threaten to destroy greater glider and koala habitat at Mt Fox north of Ingham, Moah Creek and Boulder Creek to the west of Rockhampton. The Queensland government has approved all three, and Plibersek’s signature is regarded as little more than a formality.

Yet, the ACF, Greenpeace, the Wilderness Society – all are not just silent on the rampant destruction, but encouraging it. They are vocal cheerleaders for so-called ‘renewables’ developments.

Even more hypocritical, they’re actively attacking farmers for grazing cattle on existing farms, while encouraging rent-seeking ‘renewables’ developers to bulldoze vast swathes of bush habitat.

The ACF is running a slippery campaign of moral equivalence to portray tightly regulated rotational clearance of woody growth on well-managed Australian farms with illegal tree-felling by cattle ranchers in the Amazon Basin. The activists want to change the definition of “old growth” to anything older than 15 years […]

The Save Our Big Backyard campaign raises the green left to a new level of unsteady, barefaced hypocrisy. There is ample evidence to show that the biggest threat to the sanctity of our native vegetation and wildlife comes from wind and solar farmers, not the cattle industry.

Just as the most frequent flyers in carbon-spewing jets are climate activists, be they ‘striking’ New Zealand schoolgirls or mega-wealthy celebrities.

There aren’t enough synonyms for ‘hypocrite’ in the thesaurus to describe these people.

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