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Photo by Alex Padurariu. The BFD

Sir Bob Jones

Below, an extract from a letter just in from a female maori university academic friend.

“Re the situation in New Zealand. It’s ridiculous. What I’m finding is the average maori in the street couldn’t give a rat’s arse about half the stuff the maori elite are pushing, and anyone with half a brain knows none of it will make a blind bit of difference to anyone. Those who promote all this nonsense are benefitting from it enormously though, so they’re not wanting any of it (including so-called racism) to end anytime soon.”

Never a truer word! As I first wrote a year ago, the government will lose in a landslide next year and the principal reason among the host of causes, is the anger across the land about the government’s racism.

If unwittingly, the government has done immense harm to race relations, which will be its main legacy.

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