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GAY CONVERSION THERAPY rainbow flag christian church

Sir Bob Jones

The National Party has dropped its opposition to the government’s Bill banning so-called conversion therapy and instead will make it a conscience vote. Either way makes no difference to the outcome as the government MPs will all fall into line and do as they’re told, aside from which, this is another opportunity to dictate people’s behaviour, something dear to the left’s outlook when in office.

Here’s where I have a problem with this. Conversion therapy is trying to dissuade people, usually children, to accept their biological reality, that is as male or female. Yet no-one is born with religious beliefs, rather, usually they’re converted to this irrational nonsense as children.

Religious nutters periodically pop up on our streets, waving a bible and ranting away, sometimes proffering leaflets but essentially trying to convert people to their fairy tale beliefs. In a free society, we tolerate this amusing zealous activity. How is that different from trying to persuade the sexually confused to stick to their biological reality? But regardless of such efforts, ultimately it will be their choice and not a matter for the state’s involvement.

I could give numerous other examples. The fact is this government thinks it’s all very modern and “with it” to glorify trans believers. Instead, it’s immature and infantile. If blokes believe they’re really women, and I certainly don’t question their sincerity despite the biological reality, in a free society we tolerate them bowling about in a dress etc. That’s as it should be. But when they want to invade women’s toilets or compete in women’s sport, problems arise necessitating intervention. There’s no easy answer.

There are hundreds of everyday events where well-meaning folk try through persuasion to change others behaviour.  A concerned wife trying to persuade her middle-aged husband to finally give up playing social rugby, or granddad to give away his beloved motorbike, or a teen daughter to dress more modestly or small children to eat their peas. The list goes on and on. It’s normal human behaviour.

In their desire to boss people about and regiment their behaviour, the government demonstrates a shallow perspective on human realities. To repeat, despite well-meaning efforts to convert those feeling they’ve been born in the wrong body, ultimately it will be over to these folk to make the decision for themselves and as said, there’s no need for the state’s involvement.

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