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Corpses Can’t Set the Record Straight

Image Credit: TruthwatchNZ

The equality found in death is final, but there is no promise of equality in life or the journey to your final destination. It might be smooth and peaceful or fraught and contentious.

Eventually, unless we are lost at sea or vaporised by a terrorist or nuclear bomb, we end up on a morgue slab being prepared for interment by an undertaker.

Does no one else find it strange that members of the Association of Funeral Directors NZ (representing 80% of NZ undertakers) refused to comment on Brenton Faithfull’s claim that he found abnormal blood clots in 95% of bodies during his duties as funeral director and undertaker in Northland?

Either NZ undertakers have not seen these strange rubbery white clots Faithfull describes, or they have but are not the least bit curious about them.

Either NZ undertakers have not seen these strange rubbery white clots or they have but are not the least bit curious about them.

On this basis, Sean Plunket rubbished Faithfull’s observations, calling him a liar during an interview on The Platform this week.

My curiosity is not appeased either by an organisation presenting another bald-faced nothing-to-see-here statement such as that delivered by the prime minister in her one source of truth statement or the Minister of Health, Andrew Little, who at the start of the vaccine rollout refused to look at Uttar Pradesh where they were successfully treating Covid with alternative therapies.

The whole Covid journey has been one of nothing to see here.

Is no one curious about the unexpected excessive all-cause-mortality rates plaguing highly vaccinated countries, including New Zealand?

Data released from the UK this week shows a significant increase in deaths among those vaccinated at least six months ago.

Looking overseas, we find symptoms of Long Covid described as “cognitive and psychiatric issues, severe headaches, brain inflammation and haemorrhagic stroke” attributed to sequences in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2.

But Colleen Huber NMD asks the one-hundred-thousand-dollar question, “Where are the control groups examining the following known contributors and risk factors for the above signs and symptoms, specifically worldwide highly prevalent use of lockdowns, masks, severe hospitalization / remdesivir treatment, and especially the COVID vaccines?”

If you don’t look, naturally you won’t find anything.

Former National MP, now leader of the new political party Democracy NZ, Matt King, publicly condemned Plunket’s abusive interview with Faithfull.

Behind Faithfull’s observations of the blood clot anomaly lurks a question Plunket avoids: what is the mRNA doing in people’s bodies and what are the long-term results?

Instead, Plunket claims Faithfull’s observations “weren’t entirely clear”, defending his own aggressive interview style as just seeking to “get some facts”.

King claims Sean Plunket and Michael Laws (both on The Platform) show bias in their discussions about vaccine injury and death saying Plunket was neither open nor tolerant in the Faithfull interview.

Plunket refers to the industry body representing 80% of NZ undertakers, the Association of Funeral Directors NZ (Faithfull is not a member), quoting from their statement saying their “ethos is to put families first and they are concerned that Mr Faithfull’s opinions may cause fear and concern at a time when families are at their most vulnerable. They also point out that funeral directors do not certify cause of death, it is not part of their role.”

In the interview that follows, the discussion is about whether Faithfull’s observations indicate evidence of vaccine injury with Plunket sticking to his claim that there is currently no scientific evidence of excessive injury and death from the mRNA vaccine.


Sean, what is observation? That is the best evidence ever. An experienced guy giving you eye witness evidence, first hand, of what he’s witnessing happened is the best evidence ever!

Science is observation. It’s not in a lab…that’s not everything and here’s (inaudible)…whistleblowing of what he knows…the little small part that he knows…and that’s when you need to get the coroners and everyone else involved.

And what I say to you Sean is this is bigger than Texas and in the passage of time we will…everyone will know what’s going on and it’s going to be…


(interrupts) you…you said that I’ll be embarrassed once the whole debacle comes out. Well, what is the debacle that you think exists, Matt?


Sean, there is widespread vaccine injury and death from the vaccine. That is a fact. You had ten guests on recently, Linda Wharton, seven vaccine injured people and three parents of deceased kids…


(interrupts)…and how many people who got vaccinated?


Yeah, there is hundreds of thousands of people that have been vaccine injured around the world and, you know, it’s unprecedented…


(interrupts)…and how many million people have been vaccinated?


Totally, but you look at the percentage of people that have been vaccinated from previous vaccines they are a fraction of this…these are unprecedented amounts.


(inaudible)…and that’s because it was a vaccine that was rushed into production because we were all scared about a pandemic and whether or not our level of injury is justified, I guess that’s got to be examined…I guess, I guess is going to be examined in years to come.




(inaudible)…we have a national register of adverse effects…






(interrupts) Which is not mandatory.


(inaudible)…we have a national register of adverse effects: I have seen no substantive evidence of any doctor being leaned on to not report adverse effects from the vaccine…


But…hey look, I will give you an example…


(interrupts)…that tends to suggest that within the parameters, as far as we could know them at the time, umm…we would have…though I would…interviews I have done suggest that myocarditis was underestimated or missed in an adverse effect and they’ve now had to say, oh that’s an adverse effect we hadn’t thought about.

But what I’m saying, there seems to be no conspiracy to hide this. In fact, there’s plenty of information available…


(interrupts) I disagree.


That’s not a debacle. That is a result of the times we have lived in and the circumstances we are still facing.


Hey Sean, can we come back on in another two years from now, we revisit this interview you’ve done with me and when everything is out in the open, I think you’ll say differently.

Full interview here.


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