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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

On Thursday, my wife and I visited the Countdown supermarket in Taupo to do some essential shopping.

  • We found there was only one Entry point – good.
  • At that Entry point, a gentleman was posted to control the flow of shoppers – good.
  • At that Entry point, there was no hand sanitiser – bad.
  • Inside, there was a sanitiser dispenser near the fruit and vegetables department. But it was exhausted. So, no-one entering the store was able to sanitise their hands so as to prevent them from passing the virus onto store surfaces and/or other shoppers.
  • There was just one Exit point open – good.
  • But there was no hand sanitiser provided at that Exit point – bad.
  • Anyone who might’ve picked up the virus while in the store could not sanitise his/her hands leaving the store.

Countdown needs to get their act together. Have hand sanitiser at the one monitored Entry point. Have hand sanitiser at the one Exit point.
I wanted to email Countdown to this effect. But one can send an email only via their website. So I did that. I sent the above message. My email was blocked from delivery.

Yesterday morning, I phoned Countdown, or tried to. I got a “hang on” robot message, and eventually the line went dead.
So, I can’t email them, and I can’t phone them.
There is no Countdown anywhere near my place of abode, which is not Taupo.     So, I can’t go in and harangue a shop manager.
Can anything be done?
Leo Leitch

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