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Countdown seems to be run by Wombles, Muppets and the perpetually woke now.

First, they removed plastic bags and forced us all to borrow their plastic baskets to take our groceries to the car.

Then they imposed age limits on energy drinks so that customers had to be at least  16 years old in order to purchase them.

Now they have truly jumped the shark and decided to pander to autistic people by dimming the lights in store and declaring a Wednesday afternoon “Quiet Hour”:

From Wednesday October 23, Countdown  stores across New Zealand will offer customers a low-sensory Quiet Hour  every Wednesday from 2.30pm to 3.30pm.

Countdown  has been holding Quiet Hours in a small number of stores for the last  year after one of its team with an autistic child suggested it would be a  great idea.

After testing how the  concept would work for team and customers, Countdown is rolling Quiet  Hours out nationally after incredibly positive feedback.

Quiet  Hour offers customers a time to shop in Countdown stores that is easy  on the eyes and ears by reducing noise, lighting and other distractions  in-store.

Lighting throughout the store is  reduced, in-store radio is turned off, checkout volumes are lowered,  trolley collection and shelf-stocking is kept to a bare minimum, and  there are no PA announcements except in emergencies.

Countdown’s  general manager corporate affairs, safety and sustainability, Kiri  Hannifin, says Countdown’s decision to roll out Quiet Hour nationwide  felt right for its diverse customer base.

“We  want our supermarkets to be welcoming and inclusive for all New  Zealanders and their families. We know grocery shopping can be an  anxiety-inducing experience for some customers and we wanted to help  with that. By making a few small changes and creating a Quiet Hour, we  hope we can make a big difference.


I’m glad they’ve used the term “inclusive” as it raises numerous other questions in the interests of inclusivity:

I think they should run Alt-normal shopping hours next so that assorted cross-dressers, gender-benders, la-di-dahs, and other assorted Alt-Fab people can prance and preen to their heart’s delight.

Walmart already does it. In fact, Walmart is so famous for the people who shop with them that there is an entire website dedicated to them. Perhaps we will soon see a People of Countdown website?

I wonder which hour this was at Walmart? The no underpants hour perhaps? Photo Credit: People of Walmart.

Perhaps we could make up a Countdown schedule for minority groups, which leaves no time for normal people to shop. I wonder what time they are going to pencil in for vegan protestors…hell it would be hilarious during Autistic “quiet hour”.

I can’t wait for Haram hour where all haram food is covered over with black cloths, bacon strictly rationed, and where all the female staff put on hijabs. You know, in the interests of inclusivity.

Granny hour with zimmer frames? What about mobility scooter hours and a prize for the owner who pimped his or her ride the best? I hope they don’t schedule their shopping too close to the “Quiet Hour” though as all those scooters zooming around with flashing headlights and horns could be a real problem.

What about a Ginger Hour exclusively for those who need to get out of the bright sunlight and away from all those tiresome ginger nuts jokes that they have already heard a hundred thousand times already!

Random impertinent questions:

1. How did these autistic children/adults get to Countdown? Presumably, they drove and entered through the well-lit mall complete with their wonky fluorescents flickering away.

2. How is “quiet hour signified” A hooter or bell at the start? At the finish? Do they flick the lights on and off like at a pub for last drinks?

3. How will this commitment to low-lighting during quiet hour impact health and safety? What happens when someone slips on Ranty’s spilt cordial because they couldn’t see the little sign warning of spills?

4. Do you have to whisper during the quiet hour? And how will this impact store announcements “Trudi, aisle 5, spill, clean up crew please” “Would the mother who has abandoned her autistic children please come to the commotion in the bread aisle where they are having a meltdown?”

5. Will they implement low-fat Friday where you are only allowed to buy kale?

6. How about sugar-free Sunday, to combat diabetes? More than a 1,000 people a year get amputations as a result of diabetes, so surely Countdown should have Sugar Free Saturdays and Sunday.

7. What about Menstrual Mondays with half-price pads and tampons, after all, it’s a bloody nuisance so why not cater for us bleeders and provide free chocolate to help us combat PMT?

8. Who will be the hero we need to stage a run-through with an air horn and strobe light during quiet hour?

In their crusade to be “inclusive” Countdown are now in real danger of being rather exclusive…of normal people. Other minority groups will now petition Countdown for their special hour.

No doubt they mean well but they have not thought this through. Invariably when organisations decide to be “Inclusive” they end up excluding people. It is one thing to have a finger wagged at me in a library for talking but how many people will tolerate being told to be quiet in a supermarket? Will customers enjoy being lectured by people with cockamamie job titles like General Manager Corporate Affairs, Safety and Sustainability?

Speaking of which, why do Countdowns have so many lights? Surely they will be running around removing every second light bulb and fluorescent tube to reduce their power consumption now that they’ve declared themselves part of Gen Less. Surely they will remove all the other plastic-covered items in their stores…or is it all just virtue signalling from the woke, in danger of going broke, Countdown?

Oh look, it seems that they have already turned off one light…


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