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Covid-19 Vax Mandates Were a Complete Waste of Time

rest home nursing home older people care

A thoughtful and concerned citizen



“In an outbreak, vaccinated individuals are less likely to be significant drivers of spread, and transmission will be dominated by unvaccinated people”

Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) 29 June 2021.

The premise of the above statement forms one of the principal arguments for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination.

So to test the veracity of this argument we extracted, analysed, and synthesised 1,218 data points from 87 reports, published by the Commonwealth Department of Health, on COVID-19 outbreaks in one of the most highly vaccinated sectors i.e. Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs). This sector has a 99% staff and 90% resident three-dose vaccination level.

Here’s a micro-summary of what we found in this highly-vaccinated ‘RACF ecosystem’.

  1. Mandatory COVID-19 staff vaccination did not mitigate or break the nexus between staff and resident infection. During the mandatory staff vaccination period (Sept 2021 to May 2022), cumulative staff cases explains 98.69% of the variability in cumulative resident cases. And on average, during an outbreak, 10 fully-vaccinated staff cases generate 8.0 resident cases. And alarmingly, weekly staff cases explain 82.53% of the variability in weekly resident deaths.
  2. Mandatory COVID-19 staff vaccination did not mitigate or break the nexus between infection in the broader community and infection amongst staff and residents in RACFs. With a lag of 14 days, daily new cases in the broader community explain 76% of the variability in active staff cases, and 90% of the variability in active resident cases. And once again alarmingly, COVID-19 deaths per week across Australia explains 76% of the variability in COVID-19 deaths per week within RACFs.
  3. Mandatory COVID-19 staff vaccination did not control the scope, scale, and intensity of outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in RACFs. During the mandatory staff vaccination period:
    1. The total number of active outbreaks in RACFs increased by 1,409% and the total number of RACFs that had an outbreak increased by 712%.
    2. The number of resident cases per staff case was the highest in the first three months of the staff vaccination mandate period. And the number of resident cases per staff case has increased by 130% from January 2022 to May 2022.c. The number of cases per outbreak has increased by 44% from 5.6 to 8.0; and went as high as 19.0 cases per outbreak in January 2022.
      d. the number of vaccine doses administered to residents in a given week is a very poor predictor of cases per outbreak 14 days later (r2=2.2%).
  4. Mandatory COVID-19 staff vaccination did not control the consequences of COVID-19 amongst residents of RACFs, in particular mortality. From 11 September 2020 (the date of first reporting) to 27 May 2022, 98% of cases and 94% of deaths occurred during the mandatory COVID-19 staff vaccination period. And during the mandatory COVID-19 staff vaccination period, and despite an increase of 71% in the number of doses administered to residents, the number of resident cases increased by 1,862%, the number of resident deaths increased by 251%, the number of outbreaks in RACFs increased by 1,409%, the number of RACFs that had an outbreak increased by 712%, and the cumulative percentage of residents and staff testing positive increased 4.4-fold from 0.50% to 2.2%.

In summary, the AHPPC statement of 29 June 2021 is totally unsupported by real-world data for the highly-vaccinated ‘RACF ecosystem’; and published by the Federal Department of Health here.

If they are to be believed, at some point in time assumption-riddled epidemiological models, flimsy observational trials, and deeply-flawed and under-powered randomised control trials, claimed to underpin mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, must translate into tangible population level benefits.

And, if this is their picture of success, what does failure look like?

Dedicated to the 2,749 souls in RACFs who tragically put their trust in CHO’s, epidemiologists, academia, medical bureaucracy and therapeutic regulators.

Please download and share this report and article.

