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COVID Bureacrats Decree: No Fly for You!

The faceless bureaucrats of the “New Normal”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

These unelected Little Hitlers are drunk on power.

As I reported recently, Western Australia has become an elected dictatorship, but much of the rest of Australia has given up even the pretence of elected representation. Instead, elected governments have handed decision-making over to unelected bureaucrats; and, having got their claws on absolute power, these soulless pencil-pushers are determined to enjoy it.

It was Henry Kissinger who said that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac and the troughers are getting off on it harder than a tweaker who’s swallowed a box of Viagra. You can’t blame them, I guess: public health bureaucracy is notoriously the first resort of those who aren’t much chop in private practice, but dab hands at playing office politics. These grey nobodies have finally got their chance to swing their dicks in everyone’s faces, so they’re furiously turkey-slapping the entire nation to within an inch of our lives.

Australia’s chief health bureaucrat has warned the country’s international borders are unlikely to reopen until at least 2022, to the dismay of many in the embattled travel industry.

Department of Health secretary Brendan Murphy offered the grim prediction on Monday, suggesting the federal government would need to see the impact of widespread vaccinations before allowing international travel to resume.

“I think we will go most of this year with still substantial border restrictions,” the former chief medical officer said.

“Even if we have a lot of the population vaccinated, we don’t know whether that will prevent transmission of the virus, and it’s likely that quarantine will continue for some time.”

Does anyone remember the halcyon days of “flatten the curve”?

Remember when the scientifically-proven, A-grade indisputably true, only-a-denier-wouldn’t-believe-it, strategy was to slow the rate of infections so that hospitals wouldn’t be overrun? Whatever happened to that? Somewhere along the line, it’s transformed from “psychotically counting positive test results and letting us go about our lives never” to “the new normal”.

The faceless bureaucrats of the “New Normal”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
The “new normal” is that you will never have any power over when you work, where you go, what you wear, or what medical procedures you can consent to. All on the word of some hack whom nobody elected and nobody can vote to throw out on their arse as they so richly deserve.

Meanwhile, people who actually have to work for a living are seeing their entire industries wiped out with the stroke of a bureaucrat’s pencil.

Flight Centre founder Graham Turner said Professor Murphy’s comments were “quite a worry if he knows what he’s talking about — my feeling is it’s a case of underpromising so they can overdeliver if Australia gets its act together and vaccinates the way they say they will”.

“In Canberra, they’re saying publicly they expect to have the majority of the population vaccinated by October, but privately the view is vaccinations should be finished by July.”

Australian Federation of Travel Agents chief executive Darren Rudd is also convinced Professor Murphy was offering an ultraconservative view to manage people’s expectations.

The Australian

Dream on, fellas. These people thrive on hyperbole and doom-mongering. And they never, ever, under any circumstances, admit that they were wrong. They are gods, so hear their words, ye mortals, and despair.

Most importantly, they inhabit a cloud-cuckoo-land where they bear absolutely no consequences for their own decisions. The entire travel industry can go broke for all they care: their cosy sinecures will stay untouched. In fact, they’ll get their guaranteed, iron-clad, annual pay-rises, even while the rest of the country scrabbles for the last soy bean.

Now put on your mask and shut up.

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