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COVID Fat Cats Get the Cream in Dandrewstan

“We are all in this together” has been the mantra of the Covid dictators. But while ordinary Australians have resorted to plundering their retirement savings to survive, the public service are doing very nicely indeed.

In Victoria, the state which has suffered most under five – so far – lockdowns, the very people imposing them are living high on the taxpayer-funded hog.

Millions of dollars were splurged on pot plants, morning and afternoon teas, psychologists, work-from-home allowances and overtime in the pandemic response across Victoria’s Department of Premier and Cabinet.

The Victorian premier is a long time socialist. He’s apparently proving it by establishing his very own nomenklatura class.

No expense has been spared; no taxpayer-funded frivolity is too ludicrous for the Covid dictators and their cronies.

The government also provided some bureaucrats with “staff recognition” Visa cards, UberEats vouchers and gift cards as part of publicly funded incentive ­programs.

New figures show nearly $3.4m was pumped into the department for such expenses as a brass quartet and jazz trio and to hire pot plants and keep them alive during 2020.

At least “Dictator Dan” kept the pot plants alive. 900 Victorians caught up in the outbreak unleashed by his bungled hotel quarantine program were not so lucky.

Still, the deadly result of their own incompetence was a nice little earner indeed for Victoria’s politicians and bureaucrats.

The government spent nearly $1m on the work-from-home ­allowance over 10 months and $600,00 on overtime as it struggled to contain the killer corona­virus wave[…]

Entities under DPC’s umbrella or supported by it include the ­private office of the Premier, the ­Victorian Electoral Commission, the office of the Governor and the Victorian Public Sector ­Commissioner.

The DPC documents show nearly $160,000 was spent on lining the stomachs of bureaucrats and ministers.

But while Victoria’s public service nomenklatura are getting fat on Covid, the state’s private sector economy is collapsing.

The staff spending comes as thousands of businesses in Victoria are struggling to survive after five lockdowns forced by the ­pandemic.

The Australian

I’ve never seen so many empty shopfronts in Melbourne’s CBD. This is appalling.

A devastated private sector. Businesses stopped from trading, with no notice, on a bureaucratic whim. Police spying on social media and arresting people in their own homes — homes that they can enter without even a warrant. The political class living high on the hog while everyone else is crushed under the state jackboot.

Yep, Daniel Andrews is a model socialist.

Daniel Andrews. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

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