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No More lockdowns protest lockdown

The unrelenting catch-cries of the pandemic authoritarians and bootlickers, after “Save lives!”, have been “Follow the science!” and “The experts have said…!”

Except that we know the first is a lie: if the “precautionary principle” dictators and their lickspittles really cared about saving lives at any cost, they’d not only lift lockdowns, which cause more deaths than they save, but they’d shut down the entire highway system every time there’s a fatal crash.

As for “the science” and “the experts”: both are even more bullshit than the first.

We know for a fact that “the experts”, such as the UK’s Professor Neil Ferguson, have been constantly wrong.

And even if we ignore the evidence that lockdowns are useless, how can anyone defend the plainly contradictory logic of lockdown rules?

Victoria’s fifth lockdown has been lifted, with schools, gyms, retail, beauty, office, community sport and hospitality venues all able to reopen from Wednesday.

However, restrictions on visits to private homes remain, making it legal to meet a group of friends at a restaurant, but not to go to a parent’s house for dinner.

As with Victoria’s first lockdown, it was apparently safe as houses to pack into Bunnings, but a virtual death sentence to visit Mum for Mother’s Day.

Patron limits at hospitality ­venues will be capped at 100 ­indoors and 300 outdoors, with a density limit indoors of one person per 4sq m.

Funerals and weddings will both be capped at 50, with dance floors banned.

Mr Andrews urged those who could continue working from home to do so, as offices reopen to a maximum of 10 staff or 25 per cent – whichever is greater.

The Australian

So, it’s OK to cram 100 people in a pub, but not OK to have 11 people in the office?

It’s almost as if these nonsensical, contradictory rules are being imposed simply to remind us who’s boss.

The NSW government will implement a “singles’ bubble” allowing residents of Greater Sydney to meet indoors, even if they are not intimate partners.

Yes, that’s right: the government is dictating whether or not people can meet in their own homes. I suppose, at least, they’re not telling us whether or not we’re allowed to hug each other, as the UK government ludicrously did.

The truly alarming thing about all this dictatorial micromanagement is just how many people have willingly complied – or worse, cheered the dictators on.

At least some people are calling out this authoritarian bullshit for what it is.

South Australia’s most successful businessman has launched a withering attack on the state’s lockdown strategy and a lack of leadership across politics nationwide to chart a path out of the pandemic.

Despite strong public support in SA for the seven-day lockdown which finished at midnight on Tuesday, Peregrine Corporation executive director Sam Shahin urged the state and ­nation to have a more thoughtful conversation about the impact of the closures and the fact they may occur again.

He said he was yet to see any political leader in Australia who had properly explained how we could move beyond using the blunt instrument of lockdowns to combat the threat of outbreaks.

He urged Australia to look to moves by Singapore to stop running daily case counts and press conferences, and to treat Covid not as a pandemic but an ­endemic disease similar to influenza, HIV and malaria.

But if they stop the daily case counts, however will they keep the population terrified and compliant?

“One could argue that our political leaders have erred on almost every front in managing the pandemic,” Mr Shahin said.

The Australian

Well… no shit, Sherlock.

As Frank Herbert said: “governments make incredibly stupid decisions, and lie to protect themselves”.

And useful idiots and bleating sheep cheer them on.

The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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