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COVID Treatment Discovered Right Here in Australia — Why Aren’t We Using It?

Australian Professor Thomas Borody has developed a triple therapy for Covid. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

In today’s Australian, Adam Creighton argues that Covid Derangement Syndrome, or “Covid Dumb”, creates “a shocking decline in critical faculties among intelligent people when Covid-19 is being discussed”. CDS is endemic among the political and “intellectual” elites. “Its sufferers,” says Creighton astutely, “assert and do things that are patently ridiculous or contrary to the old rules of debate.”

CDS causes ‘experts’ to reject treatments which might really save lives, right now, while fixating on those which either don’t, show little clear benefit, or may offer benefits only well down the track.

It would almost be pitiably amusing, if the consequences weren’t so dire. And by “dire”, I mean literally deadly.

Sydney woman Saeeda Akobi Jjou Stu this week became the fifth person to die since NSW’s lockdown began.

Tested on Thursday, confirmed positive on Friday, she was not offered early treatment that would have reduced her risk of dying by up to 75 per cent despite the fact that she was at high risk of developing severe Covid because of her weight and possibly related co-morbidities.

That treatment is one developed right here in Australia. It’s not some kind of exotic “alt-med” quackery.

That treatment was discovered by Australian Professor Thomas Borody based on research by Australian scientists at the Doherty Institute and Monash University. Borody, who discovered the cure for peptic ulcers using a triple-therapy, has developed a triple-therapy for Covid using safe, cheap, approved medications.

Doctors are already legally prescribing his therapy in Australia and the key medication — ivermectin — is being used in various combinations around the world and has been credited not just with dramatically reducing cases and deaths in the devastating second wave in India but also in Mexico City. Indeed, it is currently being used in 17 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America and even in the US, where it is legal but where families sometimes have to get court orders to force hospitals to use it, to save their relatives lives[…]

Why ivermectin hasn’t at least been given emergency use authorisation like other Covid treatments and vaccines is a question Professor John Skerritt, head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has to answer before another Australian dies of Covid.

Another common symptom of CDS is blatant double-standards. No doubt, nay-sayers will screech that Invermectin is an unproven treatment for Covid and that rigorous clinical trials should be conducted. Yet, if anyone says the same — mostly correctly — about Covid vaccines, they are screamed at as “anti-vaxxers” and “denialists”.

The TGA says more robust clinical trials are needed yet officials in Mexico showed a quicker way to test ivermectin’s efficacy and save lives in a pandemic. They organised a trial last year[…]there was a 76 per cent reduction in hospitalisation in the 80,000 that used ivermectin.

As for safety, 3.7 billion doses of ivermectin have been used since 1987 and in 30 years, only 20 deaths following its use have been reported to the UN’s Vigi-Access database. Compare that to remdesivir, which has been given emergency use authorisation to treat Covid in Australian hospitals. In 12 months, there have been 551 deaths reported. Indeed, a study published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association this week found remdesivir did not increase survival, just time spent in hospital.

But the vaccines!

As for the Covid vaccines, in six months 8,589 deaths have been reported to the UN database and 1,490,915 adverse reactions[…]

On efficacy, Israeli data released last week shows that the majority of those now vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine face as much risk of testing positive as unvaccinated individuals. Worse, hospitalisations appeared to be slightly higher in vaccinated individuals. Indeed, a study by researchers at Hebrew University Medical Centre, Jerusalem and Ashdod University found that a growing number of bad Covid outcomes, including death, were occurring in a minority of fully vaccinated individuals.

Of course, the adverse reactions correlated with the vaccines are not necessarily causally related. The risk of the vaccines may indeed be low — but the growing data suggesting poor efficacy cannot be so easily shrugged off.

Perhaps boosters may do the trick, or better vaccines developed, but in the meantime it seems pure madness of the CDS kind to reject efficacious treatments for people who do actually get sick. Worse, the objections cited by bodies like the TGA, such as “high doses” of Invermectin, are patently false: Borody’s protocol specifically prescribes low doses.

At the turn of the last century, polio was a devastating disease. Eventually, a safe and effective vaccine all but eradicated the disease. But, before that, Australian nurse Elizabeth Kenny, developed a treatment that was stridently rejected by ‘experts’.

Yet, Kenny not only saved thousands of children from a lifetime of paralysis, but founded an entire branch of medicine — physiotherapy.

Australian leaders are locked in a time warp. Oblivious to its fading efficacy, they have pinned all their hopes on the Pfizer vaccines and having let the Delta genie out of the bottle, they are desperately bludgeoning the populace to try to return to net-zero Covid[…]A man was arrested this week for posting on Facebook that it was only a matter of time before some broken tradie, pushed over the edge by economic ruin, commits a political assassination.

It’s all so cruel and unnecessary. With or without Professor Skerritt, if doctors prescribed ivermectin therapy for every person who tests positive, and wants it, and for their close contacts, the Delta wave would wash away. Offer it to the vaccine hesitant and anyone seeking protection until they were vaccinated, and we could reopen our borders. How apposite that the escape route out of our pandemic prison could be as Aussie as Vegemite.

Spectator Australia

The mistake, here, is assuming that our Dear Leaders want to offer us an escape route from our pandemic prison.

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