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Image credit The BFD.


Tiger, a tenacious, surprisingly well-educated animal, living and working in the real world.  Having to come up with staff wages every week sharpens the senses.

It’s been bothering me for some time now, the pinch point of vaccination is fast approaching. I have to travel for work, I need to move around. Yep, my work is in the physical world. I also need a ute to shift guys and gear around, and not some pansy-assed pretend ute, a serious one that tows stuff. In fact, my business has several of these. I digress, the bother is that it’s clear the squeeze is coming for me to have a vaccine for a virus that I will have a good chance of surviving.

I gave up on the annual ‘flu vaccine years ago after feeling ill for 2 weeks thereafter, whereas I get a bad ‘flu every 3 years. I chose the latter. Surely I can assess my own risk and take my chances with a virus that humanity will never truly eliminate now that it is out there?

What I cannot survive is constant and increasing restrictions of movement and the administration that goes with it.

My conclusion is that we have a crisis of leadership right across the political spectrum. Those who purport to represent us are not making the hard decisions. They are hiding behind health bureaucrats whose reputations are at risk, unlike their incomes, so they double down, from Tedros Ghebreyesus, PhD (not MD) down to our Australian state and New Zealand quangos.

With all the “infections” in quarantine, those that slip through and the community transmissions only after being discovered by accident really, have any people died? None have died in Australia in the last 6 months and they’ve had numerous snap lockdowns.

Is Covid really that deadly to all? The numbers suggest not. Yet the shills for vaccination, media, radio (my goodness the presenters are the worst) are increasing the tempo of their message. It’s like they are trying to get as many folks vaccinated as they can before the jig is up.

Fortunately, it would appear that our Australian cousins are wising up and the rate of vaccination reluctance is increasing.

Image credit The BFD. The pinch point is coming. Do I get vaccinated against my wishes in order to earn a living, or do I hold out until the system falls in on itself? 

The pinch point is coming. Do I get vaccinated against my wishes in order to earn a living, or do I hold out until the system falls in on itself? Who’s able to wait out the other? I and my business cash flow needs, or some weak-kneed politician hiding behind a health bureaucrat, dug in and sucking the life out of the economy, like the tick they are?

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