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‘Critical to a Free Society’

Winston Peters. Image credit The BFD

Like him or loathe him, Winston Peters has hit precisely the right note when discussing the failure of the mainstream media with Sean Plunket on The Platform.  He rightly says, “I’m sorry to say that because in the end whether you like journalists or not, a free media, an accountable media is critical to a free society.”

Winston also jumped into the debate over the profiling of Avi Yemini and the illegal actions of the Police in seeking to prevent him from travelling to New Zealand.

“These sorts of anomalies and indiscretions on the part of the government can’t go on,” he said.

“It’s a mess and it’s not being something confessed or owned up to because the nature of Parliamentary questions put by the media is to ensure that the system is honest and is accountable.

“And if you can be deceptive and get away with all sorts of roadblocks and deviations in your own answer then there’s no accountability and the whole thing’s a waste of time.”

Rebel News

Winston also name checked The New Zealand Herald and their defamatory article used by Interpol as justification to dig up dirt on Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini saying it contained ‘unproven allegations’ and questioned why Interpol was even involved in the matter at all.

“Why hasn’t the Police Minister or the head of the Police explained what went on here because if they can do that to somebody who is after all, from Australia our nearest neighbour and friend, then they can do it to you as well,” he said.

Rebel News

He further outlined the danger of the government’s meddling with ‘political and media freedoms’ and noted that the country’s media crisis has deepened since Jacinda Ardern waved the chequebook around ‘and gave them $55 million and bought their soul’.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke
“We used to have a thing called the ‘Fourth Estate’ keeping the political system, be it local or central government, with all its flaws, accountable,” he said.

“It no longer happens, the mainstream media, as you know, has been corrupted, they’ve been bought off, they’re not asking the real questions any longer.

“This is actually a serious road to what I might call perdition when it comes to a democracy and freedom. The Fourth Estate’s not doing its job.

“I’m sorry to say that because in the end whether you like journalists or not, a free media, an accountable media is critical to a free society.”

Rebel News

Which is almost exactly what I was saying just the other day. Little wonder then that no one trusts the media anymore.

We must not give the mainstream media, who have become the enemy of the people, any succour. If you subscribe to their services then cancel them. If you advertise with them, then stop that too. If you read them, then don’t. They need your eyeballs to sell advertising. If you watch them or listen to them, stop doing that immediately. Do not support, read or advertise with any outlet supping from the $55 million trough.

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Take back this country and start by taking back the news from those who can no longer be trusted to represent your views and beliefs.

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