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[…] In Southern Taranaki, Potanga Neilson of Ngai te Rangi says he is reminded daily of the assault on his iwi.
“As far as I’m concerned, we’re surrounded by terrorists, their names are memorialised on all of our towns and streets.”
Close to where Mr Neilson lives, there is a Bryce Street, named after John Bryce who led the invasion of Parihaka of 1600 armed police into the settlement.
“When they robbed them, they robbed me and they robbed my mokopuna as well,” he said.

Don’t you just love how some people these days tend to call any kind of military or police action that they disagree with terrorism?

Near Whanganui, Ruta Broughton of Ngati Maika spoke of an attack led by George Maxwell on unarmed  Maori  boys, reportedly aged 10-12 in 1868, which led to the deaths of two and wounded others.
However, she said despite moves to change the name ‘Maxwell’, it had not yet happened.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but street names can hurt me?
Tauranga historian Buddy Mikaere of Ngati Pukenga, Ranginui said it is not “thought to be the proper thing to demonise those people” whose names sit on the street signs.
“I don’t,” he said.
“I know there’s a movement to try have this road, Cameron Road, have the road changed, but why would you do that? You can’t expunge your history.”


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