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The BFD Crybaby
He says Immigration New Zealand effectively told him he’s too fat for residency. He has to lose weight or go home. How much? They won’t say.

[…] A visa medical assessment determined his BMI put him in a “severe risk” category. But Rivera says he’s perfectly healthy, has no medical requirements, and has a doctor’s report to prove it.

[…] “I fell in love with the pies when I came to New Zealand. I think it was a very bad combination changing tacos for pies. You are only supposed to eat one pie and you can eat three tacos but I decided to eat three pies,” he says.

Image credit The BFD.

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They Are Lying Grifters

They Are Lying Grifters

The Disinformation Project takes a close look at social media platforms, which they call an “online ecosystem”, but shows no interest in MSM platforms.

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Thoughts on Kākāriki Mayor Tory Whanau

Thoughts on Kākāriki Mayor Tory Whanau

Perhaps if the Greens want to endorse a different kākāriki mayoral candidate next year, they should go for someone who isn’t from the lobbying beltway and instead choose someone with a better sense of what ordinary people want from local government.

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