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The BFD Crybaby

Is it just me? Or did many other viewers find it pathetic? I’m talking about the sight of Serena Williams bursting into tears when asked about her defeat in the Australian Open semi-finals. Ms Williams is a 40-year-old professional tennis player, surely old enough to know that “you win some you lose some.” I for one do not expect a grown sportswoman to cry like a 14-year-old schoolgirl whose puppy has been run over.

Google says Williams also burst into tears in 2019 when withdrawing injured from a match in Canada. For crying out loud, why can’t she behave like an adult when things go wrong? That is to say, shrug and carry on.

I have three adult daughters, none of whom bursts into tears when facing a setback. Each sets about putting things right. Or if that can’t be done, picking herself up and getting on with life. None of them is a millionairess like Serena Williams, so perhaps there are different rules for obscenely rich ladies.

According to Wikipedia, Williams is ranked the 11th singles tennis player in the world. That means, I suppose, that she has been defeated by ten other women. Did she burst into tears each and every time? I suppose there is a way of finding out but who could be bothered?

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