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Albo is dancing to his master’s tune. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Left-wing Australian Twits were beside themselves with joy this week. In scenes of rapture not seen since Neville Chamberlain waved his little piece of paper, the left-elite worked themselves into a lather over the sight of PM Anthony Albanese obsequiously grasping the proffered hand of their favourite Big Daddy since Uncle Joe Stalin, Xi Xinping.

Isn’t it wonderful? they cooed. Great success! Not like that awful Scott Morrison, who insulted — insulted! — the great dictator.

Few were as giddy with delight, though, as businesses who’d relied on decades of toadying to the Nazi Germany of the 21st century in order to guarantee their rivers of gold. Why, things got so bad that Tasmanian crayfishermen had to sell the good stuff to locals — at fair prices! Oh, the shame of it all.

Although early inroads into markets such as Japan are proving successful they will never replace the more than $1.1bn worth of Australian wine imported annually into China before the trade tensions between Canberra and Beijing shut the door on that market.

The Australian

But now, to paraphrase a certain past British PM, “An Australian Prime Minister has returned from Bali bringing business with dishonour. I believe it is business for our time.”

And they couldn’t be happier. Human rights? Xinjiang? Hong Kong? Taiwan? Who cares — give us the money, money, money!

But, having got his photo-op, Albanese has clearly been given his orders.

Anthony Albanese has signalled Australia is unlikely to support Taiwan’s entry into one of the world’s biggest free-trading bloc just days after his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Well, well, well… ain’t that just a coincidence?

A bipartisan committee called in February for Australia to back Taiwan’s request to join the 11-nation Comprehensive and Progressive Agree­ment for trans-Pacific Partnership.

But the Prime Minister suggested at the APEC Summit in Thailand that Taiwan did not qualify for entry to the massive trading bloc.

CPTPP nations are scheduled to first consider an application by the UK to enter the agreement, before considering formal requests by China and Taiwan.

“We have the United Kingdom as [a prospective] entrant,” Mr Albanese said.

“And of course the CPTPP is a relationship between nation states that are recognised. Taiwan is represented here [at APEC] … as an economy. And there is bipartisan support for the One China policy. We support the status quo on Taiwan.”

The Australian

By this he means, Labor still supports communist China’s preposterous claim to the free, liberal democratic state.

Still, you almost can’t blame Little Albo for toadying to his communist Big Daddy. Not after the world got to see how he takes off his belt to naughty children who speak out of line.

Xi Jinping has given Justin Trudeau an extraordinary “staged, public rebuke” at the G20 in Bali after the Chinese leader was challenged about interfering in Canada’s political process [..]

The chiding by China’s strongman leader took place in a room full of diplomats, world leaders and international media, including a Canadian news crew that filmed the exchange.

The Australian

And Trudeau limped off with a weird, stumbling walk that looked like he’d just had something uncomfortable jammed firmly up his rectum.

Or perhaps he’d just soiled himself.
