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China is using Australia to send a message to the world. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Anyone who thinks Australia is set for a bright new dawn in China relations, with the election of Anthony “Mr 32%” Albanese, is kidding themselves. China is carrying right on with its bullying ways.

The only difference is that now they’ve got the government they paid for — one which is much more likely to cave to China’s demands. Unless the Albanese government surprises us all, they’ll huff and puff a bit, but that’ll only be while they decide which of Xi Xinping’s arse cheeks to plant a big, wet smacker on.

The clearest proof that China still wants to treat Australia as a serf-like client state is its latest set of bullying demands. They’ve pared the naughty list down from 14 points to just four, but the message is still the same: Shut up and do as you’re told.

China’s Foreign Minister has issued Penny Wong with a four-point list of actions Australia must take to get the relationship “back on the right track” and said the Coalition government was the “root cause” of Canberra and Beijing’s spectacular bilateral breakdown.

Yes: imagine having the temerity to ask China to be honest and open with the rest of the world about the origins of the likely lab-made virus that has crippled the globe for three years.

Never, ever forget that that’s the real root cause of China’s massive tantrum.

Beijing attempted a similar strategy when President Joe Biden came to office, blaming the Trump administration for the deterioration of US-China relations.

It’s a classic pimp strategy. “That other bitch didn’t appreciate me, so I had to slap her around. But you’ll appreciate me, won’t you, baby?” Or else.

And so the ultimatums start.

First, Mr Wang said, Australia must treat China as a “partner rather than a rival”.

Second, the two countries must seek “common ground while shelving differences”.

Third, Australia must reject “manipulation by a third party”, he said, without naming the US.

Fourth, both countries must build “public support featuring positiveness and pragmatism”.

The fourth is particularly illuminating: Beijing is openly instructing the Australian government to parrot its own propaganda narratives.

Rory Medcalf, head of the National Security College at the Australian National University, said […] “Reject manipulation by a third party? That is based on the nonsensical view that Australian foreign policy is dictated by America, whereas it’s a matter of record that Canberra has independently shown the way for Washington and others in pushing back against Beijing.
“Build public support featuring positiveness and pragmatism? Beijing telling Canberra to tell Australians what to think? That’s wilful ignorance of the nature of democracy, a free media and the character of Australians.”

The Australian

Australians like larrikin anti-Chinese campaigner, Drew Pavlou.

Brisbane political activist Drew Pavlou says he was thrown headfirst down stairs and smashed into a concrete wall by security officials after holding up a sign which read “Where is Peng Shuai?” during the Wimbledon men’s singles final […]

He said afterwards on Twitter: “The Chinese Government tried to wipe Peng Shuai from the face of the Earth because she came out and accused a top CCP official of sexual assault. And the saddest thing is they have almost been successful in making everyone forget about her. I just don’t want people to forget.

“I’m sorry that I disrupted the match for 30 seconds, I tried to pick a break in between games to silently hold up my #WhereIsPengShuai sign but security immediately crash tackled me which is why I shouted out so people would hear Peng Shuai’s name on the broadcast.”

The Australian

Never mind the drunken chavette screaming abuse at Nick Kyrgios between games: China has paid their blood money to Wimbledon’s organisers, and they’re going to get their money’s worth.

But the All England Club are far from the only bought-and-paid-for lickspittles eager to do Beijing’s dirty work in exchange for that sweet, sweet cash.

Solomon Islands has blocked Australian aid workers from ­entering the country as it opens its doors to Chinese advisers and praises Beijing as a “worthy partner” in supporting its development.

As Anthony Albanese prepares to attend the Pacific Islands Forum in Fiji this week, five Australian advisers are being denied visas by Honiara.

At the same time, Solomon Islands has granted entry to at least six Chinese advisers under its security agreement with Beijing.

The Australian

This is the reality of dealing with the tinpot microstates of the Pacific: the Cargo Cult Mentality still rules supreme. It’s gibsmedat politics on a grand scale.
